point of club scene?

Overall I wasn’t a fan of this movie. It had an inane script and very wooden acting. But what got me was the scene in the club, when Rebecca kisses that woman in the bathroom. What exactly was the point of it? It seems the only reason it was put in there was to reinforce the old tired Hollywood stereotype that lesbians are crazy psychos.

The only was it could possibly be relevant to the plot is if the woman Rebecca meets turns out to be the same friend Sara was going to move in with (I was so bored I was only half paying attention at this point, so if that was the case I completely missed it.) And even then it would be stupid (By coincidence Rebecca just happens to find in a room full of strangers someone she can use to get back at Sara.)


The girl that Rebecca kissed in the club was Irene, Sara's friend. In the deleted scenes on the Blu/DVD, there's a scene that shows Rebecca stalking Irene in the subway before following her to the club. In the original script, Rebecca has a FIGHT with Irene in the bathroom before murdering her. I guess they wanted to make them kiss instead...lol.

If the apocalypse comes, beep me.


I just watched this movie, and i remember a scene in the dorm where Rebecca is looking at photos of Irene with some friends and she says "seems she really likes girls huh" or something to that effect, like she somehow already knew that she was into girls, it seems that way, so she knew to set it up that way to get her into bed to tie her up... makes sense.

