Single White Female

Isn't this just a lame attempt at remaking Single White Female?


I believe it is. No one has any creativity anymore.


yeah theres even a scene in which the crazy girl pretends to be the sane girl and crawls in bed with the b/f (well in this case its an ex)

and yes there was a masturbation scene too but it was quite like the one with Jennifer Jason Leigh.

-things I write on IMDB may come from my blog


Agreed. The same thing.


I went into watching this movie knowing it was a full-on rehash of SWF, so my expectations were insanely low. I thought they did a pretty decent job, myself. It was basically the same movie but they still pulled off enough suspense and added a few new twists. I could have lived without the animal cruelty (not real but still), that was always my least favorite aspect of SWF. I think both movies would stand with that part removed.


We have brains folks, use them to do a little research
