Based on a true Story

Well at least Professor Roberts was a real person. I knew him actually and he was just misunderstood. This movie was stellar, oscar worthy if you will with the exception of the portral of Roberts. If Roberts uncle Kenny didn't molest him as a young boy maybe he would have a normal life. He tried to settle into suburbia after leaving his mother and father who were in fact first cousins. Moving to the big city in California he met his dream girl Susie Jo. They hit it off right away and decided to go for a Drive thru wedding. But Roberts had a passion for clothing. So while working late nights he found time to go to school. All while also taking care of his wife and two girls while a third one was on the way. Well he really impacted the fashion world because soon his name was all over that city painted in red. Hanging out at all the hot clubs, with the sexiest people, and snorting all the cocaine. Well one night Susie Jo wasn't feeling well and tried to go downstairs to phone her husband. Unfortunately she stumbled and fell down the stairs. Ultimately she lost the baby. Roberts felt completely guilty and decided it would be best to just become a teacher. Now I ask you, was he wrong to hit on his students or just a true American hero.
Think of that the next time you watch this movie.
Oh and if you're wondering how I know all of this well it's because I am Professor Roberts. ^.^


source? in the movie, didn't he have his kid and wife in the picture frame? I personally thought it was kind of creepy even with this story. As a matter of fact, the story you give here just makes him out to be some nutcase rather than perverted or a perverted hero.


Story? I portrayed him the right way and the movie did not do him justice. I know his life story.


