Wow this movie was bad

and the ending was so weak....this movie was only made for the hot cast (both males and females)
such an unorginal movie thats been done thousand times before but this movie was particularly stupid in almost every way!


You are so correct. Unfortunately. :(



Don't you hate it when the studios mess things up?



I hated this movie so much, it put me off all other movies in the genre (aka similar plot premises) which is really sad cause I bet some of those movies are good.



Ok, thanks. I'll check it out when I get the time. Right now, I am really into the psycho kid killer genre which really isn't different from the psycho chick killer genre; my favorite is Orphan.



i always have hated that. the movie was ok but could hve been so much better as a rated R film Leighton was the main reason i watched it



my choice for director would have been Rob zombie or uwe boll

