MovieChat Forums > The Roommate (2011) Discussion > Single White Female Remake

Single White Female Remake

This movie was soooo similar to "Single White Female" that I seriously thought it was a remake and came here to check. What a ripoff!!!



Exactly! People who don't realize that are either blind as hell, or more than likely...YOUNG as hell. This movie was damn near identical to 'Single White Female.'


1. Instead of a murdered dog...we have a cat.
2. Instead of a dead twin sister to the viliian, we have a dead sister to the good girl.
3. Instead of psycho girl getting the same hairstyle as the roomate, we get a psycho girl getting the same TATTOO as the good girl.
4. Instead of a co-worker sexually harrassing the good girl and the psycho broad sticking up for her; we get the TEACHER sexually harrassing the good girl while psycho girl steps in.
5. Instead of the guy friend of good girl who gets injured by psycho girl; we get a FEMALE friend of the good girl getting injured in the shower by psycho girl.
6. Instead of psycho girl pretending to be good girl so that she can seduce good girl's fiance', we get psycho girl pretending to be good girl so that she can seduce good girl's EX-BOYFRIEND.

A couple things stayed the same however.....the psycho girl being on meds or having some "mental" issues, etc. And the ex-boyfriend/fiance' guys get murdered.

Same fluckery.....different cast.


also reminded me a lot of Poison Ivy...

Badge #6313 <3


This was a rip off to Single White Female


And a very poor remake at that.

In SWF there were two good actresses and some real suspense.

I guess this version is for dumb tweens.

I gave up on it...LOL.


Agree! I always call this movie "Single White Female: The College Years".


jennifer jason leigh was awesome in SWF
