MovieChat Forums > The Roommate (2011) Discussion > unanswered questions galore!!

unanswered questions galore!!

why exactly were Rebecca's old friends so afraid...? if the same thing went on-- shouldn't that chick be dead?

who was the gas station guy?

why did Rebecca's parents even let her go away? if they thought bc she was taking her medication, she didn't seem too stable @ Thanksgiving dinner.

shouldn't have Rebecca at least banged Sara's ex boyfriend before she weakly stabbed him without even the slightest fight? like, c'mon. and the teacher too. would more exciting movie that way, at least.

oh, and how unbelievable is it that Tracey wouldn't say a word to anyone about Rebecca's shower assault?

not enough answers, so I can't really grasp Rebecca's motivation for her actions.


1. I imagine it is a similar story. From her drawings you could see that Rebbecca was previously obsessed with her, and by the comment that she made you can see that she also tried to please the girl in her odd, crazy, obsessive ways. Since she was younger her behavior might not have been as extreme. Of course, it wouldn't be the EXACTLY the same since both of them are safe, but it might have been the reason why Rebbecca is on meds to begin with.

2. Just some random douche hitting on a hot girl. Happens all the time.

3. Maybe because Rebbecca's parents didn't want her home either. Sarah made a comment about Rebbecca's parents being afraid of her, so they probably encouraged the move (plus, everybody in Rebeccas hometown probably already knew she was crazy, so she could start fresh under meds they might have thought).

4. Might have made the movie a little bit more racy, but then in a way she would be betraying her best friend, Sarah, because she hated both of them, so the plan was to eliminate them from her life.

5. I agree.


uh HELLO? she flat out tells tracy after she attacks her that if she tells anybody she will kill her. Not an unanswered question.


and who in their right mind would say "oh ok let me not go straight to the police after an attack like that" - her not saying anything was SOOOO stupid and unrealistic


Girl got her belly button ring ripped off like a piece of tape, after being stalked and full on attacked in the shower. Cant totally blame her for believing that death threat.


So you just keep quiet???? Your attacker is a female college freshman - ifyou felt that threatened by her and didn't think you could go to the police, etc then you would leave the school. What would've made MUCH more sense in the movie was if Leighton Meester was in disguise and so the girl didn't see her attacker but maybe simply suspected her - that would've been more realistic on a number of levels.


I see your point but that's really the only thing II can think to justify that part. And yeah a disguise would've made sense but that wasnt really her style except for tricking Jason, she was creepy, confident, and threatening enough and she knew it. So yeah there's my attempt at justification.


I don't think Tracy ever sees Rebeccas face, and even if she told, Rebecca is a pleasant young lady and nothing would probably happen even if she told. People like Rebecca are master charmers



Where's your proof!? Tracey already tried to tell someone that the chick was crazy and got the brush-off. With no witnesses or hard evidence how can she be expected to press charges?

In answer to the other questions,
the gas station thing happened in Rebecca's home town, so obviously there was history there, it needed no explanation.
Her parents obviously didn't pay attention to her. They're the stereotype of rich parents who shove pills at their kids when the nanny can't deal with em.
She didn't want to have sex with either of the guys, that's not what is was about. It was about hrting them because they hurt her roomie. Pointless sex scenes do nothing to improve movies.
And the hometown chick (and her friends) doesn't need to be dead to prove that Rebecca got the same kind of obsessed with her, maybe she was smarter and got out sooner.


Ummm...I don't think Rebecca likes men. She obssesses over girls, she makes out with a girl and goes home with her, and made absolutely no advances toward any guy in the movie except for Jason...(but she only did that so she could kill him)...and the teacher...(which she only did to set him up). She apparently is not straight. This is probably why she didn't have sex with them. Just a thought.

"You weren't allergic to mexican food trucks either and look at you now"!!!



So what if she's a female college freshman? All Tracy did was hang out with Sara, and Rebecca reacted that badly. Fear can be paralyzing. I don't think it's really that unrealistic for Tracy to have kept quiet, because I mean, I know it's not quite the same situation but think about how often victims of rape and abuse keep quiet. Attitudes like this are why so many crimes like rape and abuse are under-reported...


I agree with this. I was similarly threatened by my roommate when I was at uni (she didn't corner me in the shower. She gouged my face with her nails instead) and I went STRAIGHT TO MY RA after it happened. I wasn't going to put up with that crap. So to me, it makes no sense that Sarah's friend didn't tell anybody about the attack. Oh well. At least she switched dorms, which is more than can be said for Sarah.

It especially bugged me when Sarah and her boyfriend decided not to tell anyone because "she hasn't done anything". Um...there are two of them! Why would an RA not believe two people claiming that the same girl is threatening them? It's an RA's duty to make sure all the students feel safe and secure in the dorms. If they don't, then that student is moved out RIGHT AWAY. Sarah could have ended that crap pretty early into the movie if she had just used her head and gone to an authority figure (but then of course, we wouldn't have had a movie).


and who in their right mind would say "oh ok let me not go straight to the police after an attack like that" - her not saying anything was SOOOO stupid and unrealistic

Its not unrealistic considering she completely made it up why would she get herself in potential trouble with the law by filing a police report? Furthermore, she got what she wanted...attention from Sara, she didn't want attention from everyone just her.


I agree there were so many unanswered questions it was ridiculous. They could have at least gave some kind of story on Rebecca's background.


I was hoping that they would go into more detail about her 'old friend' too. She seemed terrified of her... I was hoping she would go there and we would learn what she did before......


(1) You saw some of the things Rebecca was doing presently to make others afraid of her. Leaving exactly what she did in the past to make previous acquaintances afraid of her a mystery was a better move, in my opinion. It's creepier for viewers to fill it in with their imaginations (which we should assume viewers have).

(2) Obviously she knew the gas station guy. Why do you need to get an explicit dossier on something like that? The film clearly establishes that they have some history, and that Rebecca is acting a bit differently than she did previously in their history (otherwise the gas station guy wouldn't have had the reaction he did). That's all you need to know. It's showing that she's getting more out of control than she had been.

(3) Rebecca's parents were clearly afraid of her. She was controlling them. Not the other way around. That's one of the major points of that whole sequence. She was the type of person who made people afraid of her to a point where she could completely manipulate and control them--even her own parents, despite the fact that they were wealthy and presumably powerful to an extent.

(4) It wouldn't make any sense for the character to have sex with anyone else, especially men. She didn't seem to be interested in men, and she was just obsessed with one particular woman, Sara. She was a master manipulator, and that's all she was doing in those scenes.

(5) Re Tracey not saying anything: again, this is a major point of the ENTIRE FILM. Rebecca is able to control, manipulate others to a very great extent. If Tracey had said something to others, then that would hardly show how well Rebecca can manipulate others, would it?

(6) Rebecca's motivations are simply that she's completely psychotic. Why would you need something other than that?


I didn't get the impression AT ALL that Rebecca knew the gas station attendant. I thought it was just a guy hitting on her and crossing the line of what's appropriate so she wanted to scare him. And being crazy Rebecca, she did it in a big way. Actually I kind of liked that, lol.


I didn't get the impression AT ALL that Rebecca knew the gas station attendant. I thought it was just a guy hitting on her and crossing the line of what's appropriate so she wanted to scare him. And being crazy Rebecca, she did it in a big way. Actually I kind of liked that, lol.

I agreed with this as well, after watching the second time. He didn't call her by name. He call her a physco bitch. I noticed his name tag Rick. She was just screwing with him, and wanted to be left alone. Called him a pussy. lol


All of you guys criticizing Tracey for not saying anything are really disgusting. Quit blaming the victim. She went through something incredibly traumatic, and there is no right or wrong way for her to act. Everyone is different when it comes to their emotions. It's easy for you to sit on your couch and say "Well, I would have definitely done this!!!1111" because you're not in the situation yourself. You actually have no idea how you would respond to something like that- and ripping the victim apart for not saying something is ridiculous. Why don't we project our anger/frustration on the attacker and support the innocent one?

Seth Cohen: I'm allergic, and there's so much pollen in here right now. It's ridiculous.


I missed first 20 mins of the movie and five in the middle when cable went down for a second so I think I missed something....who was emily she got tattooed on her chest?


Emily was Sara's sister who died long time ago.

you were just SCii Fiied..!!!


Oh ok thanks sci fi


I've only read a few of the earlier posts and it seems like Tracey's getting a lot of flak for not reporting Rebecca. The truth is she is kinda believable. There are women out there who get assaulted or rape BY PEOPLE THEY KNOW and don't say anything. Ever.

I don't agree with it, but I do understand. If you're not used to that kind of violence and level of threat or just not used to having to physically fight back, some people really do back down and shut the hell up. And Rebecca wasn't just some crazy b!tch with crazy eyes, she proved that she could totally back up all of her talk.

