Is this for real? And it's out already? WHEN????



This isn't a sequel to the box office Skeleton Key, it's an independent series by a director in either MD or VA.

P.S. It is really poor.


I have never felt so violated in my life. If I could punch this guy Johnson as hard as I could in the face, I would. There is NO distinction made that this is not a sequel to The Skeleton Key.

I added it to my Q way before it even had a description, thinking I was just going to get the simple horror direct-to-sequel I've become used to. But for this to arrive in the mail is heinous. It should be against the law to possess and/or rent out copies of this atrocity.

Once I saw the opening credits, I was already done, nothing more to see (HOW do you spell the director's name wrong in the OPENING credits?!). The stock 3-D animated house made me want to throw up. My TV has never displayed something so vile.

:( - The Free eBay - Swag Bucks - Search the Web, Earn free Money and prizes!


You have nobody to blame but yourself for "assuming" it was a sequel, especially since you said you put it in your Q before there was a description.

I collect dead pigeons then I press them between the pages of a book.


And I'm sure you absolutely loved the movie huh? - The Free eBay - Swag Bucks - Search the Web, Earn free Money and prizes!


I think the previous commenter has the film makers to blame, not theirself. Seeing has the movie was titled 'SKELETON KEY 2.' The number 2 kind of screams 'sequel' to me. Also, not knowing that their was a whole other film by the same name. Movies like this prey on people who have seen a film by the same name. Catching them at a video store, seeing the name 'Skeleton Key.' They are automatically going to think of the big budget film. Not the low budget crap fest. Specially since most direct to dvd sequels are crap to begin with. (Butterfly Effect 2, White Noise 2)


Wow, I didn't even know about this film till today.

Copyright © 2009 by Leader_of_the_Sandbox


I think I'm gonna try to watch it! Ha! Thanks for preparing me.


Alright, I don't usually try to dissuade people from their movie opinions because everybody's tastes are different. So this isn't an attempt to change your opinion of the movie, just an explanation of what happened with the title.

Darkstone Entertainment released a short film back in 1997 called Skeleton Key. It was then redone into a full-length film, which wasn't released for whatever reason. They decided to re-film it using the same title. Because Darkstone is an independent company and doesn't have the huge amounts of funding that big-budget movie companies have, this re-done film was still in post-production and/or fighting for release on DVD when The Skeleton Key with Kate Hudson came out in 2005. Darkstone's movie, John Johnson's Skeleton Key, was released the next year, in 2006. In the world of movies, that "The" in front of the mainstream title meant that John Johnson's movie could keep it's name, in addition to the fact that Darkstone had the title first by several years.

Darkstone has never, at any time, tried to tell anybody that this was a sequel to the Kate Hudson movie. In fact, since the release of the Kate Hudson film, they have always tried their best to let people know that it was a sequel to John Johnson's Skeleton Key, not the mainstream film The Skeleton Key. People just don't bother to read descriptions first before they pick it out, and then they get angry at Darkstone for it. For one thing, just looking at the cover should tell you this is an independent/low-budget film, and that maybe you should think it over a bit before you rent/buy it.

I will openly admit that I am one of the people in this film. Is it ever going to win any awards? No. Of course it won't, but that isn't why it was made. John Johnson's Skeleton Key had no script outside a general outline of what was going to happen. Everything else was improvised on the spot (sometimes including songs). It had such a huge response that a sequel was made with the same format: rough outline, the rest improv. It, too, had a huge response. There is actually a third one in post-production, and a fourth is supposed to be underway at some point in the future. None of the movies in this series are about art or statements on society or film at its most beautiful. It's about sitting back with a beer and a bunch of friends and laughing at stupid jokes and checking out the naked chicks.

If you hate it, that's fine. But I know from seeing the crowds that come to our premieres (and actually stay through the whole performance, no less), and the response we get when the lights come back on, that there are a good number of people out there who really love these films. And some of those fans probably are dumber than rocks, but a lot of them are perfectly intelligent people who just enjoy chilling out and de-stressing with an improvised comedy that shows a bunch of people having a really good time making a movie. We do have more serious movies under our collective Darkstone belt, but only a couple of them are available to the public because our distributor would rather see more stuff like the Skeleton Key series. If you don't like low-budget at all, don't waste your time with independent films. If you do like low-budget, just not the Skeleton Key series, please consider at least one other film from us before dismissing Darkstone altogether.

If you want to bash me for being in something this crass and campy, go ahead. But I had a great time filming it, even though I was cold in my skimpy costume (as were the other girls), and I would do it again if I were given the choice. Why? Because the people who like this movie really love it, and because the Darkstone family is awesome to work with. And that makes it all worthwhile.



I can't imagine anyone liking The Skeleton Key enough to want to rent a sequel. You've already eaten sh*t with the first film, why go for seconds later on?


I felt kind of bad giving this a 1 but there wasn't an option for a 0.

Whenever someone calls another movie the worst ever I'm going to point this one out for them.


I felt kind of bad giving this a 1 but there wasn't an option for a 0.

Whenever someone calls another movie the worst ever I'm going to point this one out for them.

haha, i'm still lmao...
i've never done this before (rate a movie without viewing, that is...) but i'm going to go give this a 1, for such a misleading title, plus everyone says it sucks...

It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality...
