MovieChat Forums > Adopted Discussion > Bit Racist (but don't not watch it)

Bit Racist (but don't not watch it)

Some parts of this show are a bit racist. He takes the stereotypes too far, because it's in an African setting. It's ignorance and lack of respect for other ethnicities and cultures by Pauly who ever and anyone who laughs at the jokes. I suppose it's possible to laugh at them in an American context, so if you do in that sense, it doesn't make you a racist, maybe a bit ignorant.

But the main point is, in essence, this movie is exploiting the innocence of some poor people in Africa.

When the same jokes are made inside America/Modern World, the stereotypes are funny, same thing goes for any other racist joke on who ever. Outside that, it feels like utter lack of respect.


I could imagine what he says about the poor children in INDIA, smfh.

People who judge others simply on the color of their skin do all Americans a grave injustice. What I find is most racists put others down to feel superior, this a bold cover, a mask for their feelings of inadequacy. Does it really matter if there are more poor blacks or more more whites, latinos, asian etc.? Collectively all these people suffer in their poverty. A hungry stomach is a great equalizer, Poor housing is a great equalizer, Poor medical services the same. I fail to see what color has to do with the human condition and why it's so important. Any Child suffering regardless of what race, religion or culture is a mark against our own society, our own communites. You got to ask yourself how many paychecks are you from being homeless, what if your support system fell apart? A house divided cannot stand

'My goal is to be as nice as my pets think I am'


It's not the colour of the skin, I thought there were moments where he disrespected what some people ate and how they may have chose to eat it, which is quite understandable given where those people came from. It's comparison to how and what we might eat and assuming our way is superior (in Madonna and AG's case, leave aside the publicity stunts, why is life in America so much better? What about orphans in America?) or, in the case of this movie, portraying that assumed superiority with jokes. That's called exploiting other cultures, on a lack of understanding, and ending up insulting those cultures.

But it's not such a serious issue, there's worse things happening in the World.


That said, not all the jokes were racist. There were some good parts in it.


Some of his comments weren't even being racist, they were just facts (that can't be ignored).

Like the "H.I.V." comment, it's been well known throughout the world that Africa has a very high level of HIV/AIDS. That's why the girls didn't want to bang him once they found out he had no condoms.

The carpets smelling like pee comment. That was more like letting the viewer know what it smelled like there if you couldn't figure it out after seeing the pillow cases on that dudes bed who let them use the phone to call a cab. Those pillow covers used to be red, they were nearly black.

-=1000 travel books are not equal to 1 real trip=-
