a super bizarre, eccentric and weird "movie", but it's undoubtedly AWESOME!!!




I'm about to watch this special. I'm a sucker for the post-apocalyptic theme.

"I'm going nowhere fast... and you're not coming." -LP



There was nothing "awesome" about this profoundly disturbing portryal of this planet should we disappear.

It's disturbing because a majority of it is absolutely true and the mess we'll leave behind will poison this world.

It almost brought me to tears, actually, because it made it all seem hopeless, the idea that the planet itself has become dependant on us is sad on a level that I cannot put into words.

No planet should be dependant on one species to thrive but we've crammed so much crap onto it, crap that needs to keep running to keep from becoming dangerous that that has become the case.

Mankind sucks.

But, it was also extremely soothing knowing that if this were to ever happen the planet will eventually shed all evidence we were ever here.



Oh no i've been aware of this for a long time and the thought has always depressed me, this program did a lot to reassure me, though and I don't feel as hopeless about the whole thing.

After we're gone the Earth will wipe itself clean and I like the thought of that.

Actually, the message that I took from the show is that the planet is better off without us here.



Or in the immortal words of George Carlin...

"The Earth is gonna' shake us off like a bad case of fleas."



Oh my, what was God thinking in creating human beings, right?

Nothing new here. Seen it time and time again.

Earth/Nature = Good

Mankind/Progress = Bad


Earth/Nature = Good

Mankind/Progress = Bad

Yep, pretty much.

Mankind is a failed science experiment.

If you expect the unexpected doesn't the unexpected then become the expected?


Rather than being depressed, Digital boy, try joining an envieronmental group to planty trees or something. I work with local schools in my city and the kids love planting native vegetation to protect streams and wildlife. Give it a shot; anything is better than just letting it get you down. You CAN mke a difference.


Oh it doesn't get me down, I didn't mean to make it seem as if I walk around with a dark cloud over my head all the time, I just consider myself a realist and see the world and what we've done to it, that's all.

I've considered joining something like that on and off for a while.

"Candy CANES?? Are you mocking me?" - Dr. Gregory House


What we've done to it? I have a great idea for all you liberal eco *beep* who think that humans are a disease to the planet. Why don't you put a bullet to you're head and help implement the cure.



Really? I thought it was dreary, self-important, condescending Green propaganda. A complete piece of dreck.


Dreck is a nice way of putting it, but it will appeal to green wackos with basement self esteem issues...

man, National Geogrpahic has sure bottomed out since it was the realm of eccentric rich Anglo-American explorers and academia

wonder if I will live long enough to see this ridiculous pendelum swing back?




Rubbish. Just leftist humanism masquerading as science.


"Rubbish. Just leftist humanism masquerading as science. "

What you are describing are people that think we can save the planet (idiots), what this documentary described was that the planet doesn't need saving it will take care of the mess we leave behind by itself. Sooner or later we will all die but the planet will still be here, people should be focusing on how to save humantiy not the damn planet, it doesn't need saving.


You are right, Christoffer, but we should try to save our own asses. We are the highest form o evolved life tha we know of anywhere in the universe, so it does no justice to anyone that we die from our own apathy.

As one philosoher put it, "We are the agency through which the universe becomes aware of itself". That is worth something, isn't it?

Even if the only thing we can still do is to to kill one another, that would not be so bad, as long as we do not use nuclear weapns to do it. Most conventional explosives are fertiliser. After WWI, the French farmers had bumper crops from all that phosphate and nitrate in the soil. Most of it came from the shells, not the blood of the dead soldiers.


It must be nice living in denial.

We are the rapers of worlds and aren't going to be here forever, in fact I would akin us to termites, eating and consuming until we've decimated everything and left what's behind a ruined heap.

If you expect the unexpected doesn't the unexpected then become the expected?



I think that on this issue we're going to have to agree to disagree.

Technology in the hands of a species such as ours is dangerous and deadly. I tend to view mankind and technology to that of a chimp trying to defuse a bomb, it doesn't realize what it is or how to defuse it, it just randomly pulls out wires until it blows and causes it's own destruction.

Bottom line, no other species has done as much damage as we have and continue to do, we never learn from our mistakes, we just keep making new one's and it is going to come to a head one day.

The Earth will survive after us, I just want people to realize that we are not the end all be all species on this planet despite what is largely believed, either by asteroid, virus or what have you, we are going to end one day and another, hopefully smarter species, will spring up in our place and actually know what to do with this beautiful planet and not completely *beep* it up like we have.

If you expect the unexpected doesn't the unexpected then become the expected?
