
For those who have seen the movie, how did you find the ending? Well, first of all how did you interpret it? Sad or happy?


it's left open.


in the end you see the characters go their own way. left and right. but then the russian calls out for the spanish girl as if to want to show her something, she runs over to her and the film ends.

-"life" to the music of Ennio Morricone.



These two women clearly found eachother incredibly attractive, and to a certain degree even fell madly in love in one night.

But I think reality caught up with them. Neither was particularly unhappy or unsatisfied with the direction of her life, and both understood this at the end, which is why they each agreed to go her separate way.

But that's not to say they would never meet again...


Warning ***spoilers***

They weren't unhappy or unsatisfied? Well, I think Alba was guilty that her partner's son died and perhaps she blamed herself for it. She said that she had to get drunk every night to go to sleep. This means that whenever she looks at her partner she is feeling the pain. And Natasha's fear was confirmed that her twin sister was the first choice of her fiance and not her. With these points in mind I was hoping that Natasha would change her mind and not marry him after all. Perhaps when Natasha ran back she affirms that she chooses Alba.


Correct. When Natasha ran back we can conclude she affirms that she chooses Alba as her partner. We can interpret this from their last talk on the balcony and while in the shower, where Natasha told her they should both part their own ways, nonetheless, at the end she realizes she as well has felt 'love' and had never felt that way before with anyone, thus after deciding that they should go their separate ways in the last scene, Natasha makes up her mind and goes after Alba.

What the movie portrays to my impression is that 'love' and 'happiness' can be found when you least expect it, be it from a person of the opposite sex or from the same sex, as in this case, and that 'happiness' and 'love' should surpass everything else in life. To my knowledge from seeing the film, it turns out to be rather beautiful.


I didn't take the ending to mean that she chose Alba at all. She says "Alba, look at this!" Then the end credits show a bing satellite picture of their hotel room with the white flag. When they put the flag up, they said something along the lines of "This is to remember our night...and we'll only see it from satellite." I think it was more realistic that they didn't stay together. It's like Natasha said, let them have that one perfect night but leave it in Rome.


I thoughts so too but when Natasha called out to Alba , "LOOOK" than sprinted towards her, I kind of get the feeling she did change her mind and she was running to be with her. That she chose her. And I'm sure she ran over to plant a long and passionate kiss which means it would be harder to part , meaning they won't part. They'll be together in .....Rome as they dreamed of. Thus, the flag on Google Earth signifies that's where they fell in love... on that spot. And Rome is where they ended up being together.

Ohhh what a beautiful romantic story....


"When Natasha ran back we can conclude she affirms that she chooses Alba as her partner.... What the movie portrays to my impression is that 'love' and 'happiness' can be found when you least expect it, be it from a person of the opposite sex or from the same sex, as in this case, and that 'happiness' and 'love' should surpass everything else in life. To my knowledge from seeing the film, it turns out to be rather beautiful."

Totally agree jhedydorrejo.



That's how I interpreted it as well. When they discuss their fantasy future together, Alba sighs thinking of being able to see Natasha sprinting - that was the fulfilment of that wish, in some way.

A sweet touch to end the film, I thought.


I think so too... when she ran back to Alba she decides to be with her.



If you recall when they were having breakfast on the balcony, Natasha asks Alba would she leave Eudurna and her daughter to be with her in Rome. To which Alba replies, yes with absolute clarity - this is real and not a fantasy or something along that line. Then continues by saying, "she can't wait to see Natasha run like a gazelle and watch her play tennis" (this is IF they end up together).

When Natasha calls out to Alba to "look" and we see her running towards her it is concluded that she did change her mind as she was heading back to her hotel. That her love for Alba surpasses any kind of love she thought she knew, therefore, chooses Alba and the life with her....in Rome. In every movie or story when either or both run to each other always signifies of "being together. to be together". That is what Natasha did. She was running to the life she most desire. Also, don't forget Natasha is the one who's experiencing something new, something foreign (being with a woman as opposed to being with a man)she has yet to understand, whereas, Alba knows all too well and is sure she's in love with Natasha and wants to be with her but accepts the fact it might just be that night of passion knowing a straight person can go back to their hetero life soon after.

In hindsight, what Natasha did at the end is much like the lies they were telling each other in the beginning but eventually ending up telling the truth to each other. Natasha thinks by staying with Vadim was the right thing to do(lying to herself and Alba), but eventually ending up being true to herself and thus, we see her calling out to Alba and running to her.

I think Julio Medem ended it beautifully. It was unexpected and so romantic.


betweenwonderanddarkness, Yes, you are absolutely right. Natasha promises Alba that she will show her how she can run with her long legs and that is exactly what she does in that final scene. I don't think it necessarily means that she has chosen to stay with Alba.


I saw this movie again, and I was right, when they were having breakfast on the balcony they were talking about being scared. To which Alba says, "Let's be brave at being scared.." and said, "if we didn't have partners, what would we do?"...

ALBA: "If we didn't have partners what would we do? Would we stay and live in Rome?"
ALBA: "Then we stay and live in Rome."
NATASHA: "Will you do it? Will you leave Edurne and her children... oh sorry, and her daughter and live with me in Rome????"
ALBA: (being serious) "Yes. This is real, Natasha, it's not a fantasy. I say it with clarity."
NATASHA: (her emotions running wild with excitement at the thought)
ALBA: "I can't wait to go outside and see you run with your long legs"
NATASHA: "I promise you will !!!!!"

(then moments later they both sank back to reality because of the thought of their partners)

***Their conversation about Natasha promising Alba that she will show her running skills IF they do not have partners and decides to stay and live in Rome***

Almost towards the end, neither Alba nor Natasha showed any promises pertaining to their conversation at breakfast (It was just a fantasy talk). Once outside they were finalizing their good-byes without promises nor actions. But you see Natasha hesitating of leaving till Alba took her hand and both slowly going their intendend directions.

When Natasha yelled out to Alba to look and we see her running towards her, this leads back to their conversation at breakfast to promise to see her run IF they were together. Either the running was her promise that was her intention or she was running to Alba either way Natasha's actions spoke of their talk at breakfast. Spoke of the talk if they didn't have partners, which led to both leaving their partners to be together.

Natasha had to make the decision whether or not they will be together because it is a whole new lifestyle for her, whereas, Alba is already living it (the lesbian life), as well as being ready to leave her partner IF Natasha makes a move about her real feelings for Alba. Thus, we see Natasha running and not Alba. Natasha's motive was the focus. And it was Natasha who had to decide... to stay with a man or to be with a woman. That's what the writer was telling us.

Alba and Natasha ended up together..... at the end eventually.


Yes eventually but the next day.....



While watching this movie you are sucked in by the one night in a room knowing when the sun comes up it's over. I was hoping they would walk out together and walk off together but sadly as with alot of artsy romantic love stories this movie ends on a mostly sour note. Love at first sight and a one night stand are totally different. After it ends you know it was a simple one night stand which makes the time invested in this otherwise good movie a waste. Not worth watching a second time due to the last 5 minutes.


There was still hope when Natasha ran back towards Alba...perhaps they hooked up after all. It just didn't show us what their final decision was. I'd like to think that their relationship continued despite their initial goodbyes in the hotel room. Anyways it's a great love they found in each other whether they kept it or not is another matter.


It was just one night, It's a better story as this is what they left it to be between each other. The memory is what the director is going for not a relationship. It still is a good ending that the two don't come together. I think some are putting there wishes in place of words and reality which is ok if one really likes them being together but others are saying what it could be also, an ambiguous ending for all to enjoy.


When she tells Alba to look, she is also noting that the wind has picked up and their 'consummation' sheet (on the flag pole) is waving in the breeze. And, she runs to her - for what reason, we are supposed to imagine (our own ending). Who knows? Maybe there will be a sequel to this where they are together.


Seeing it a second time, the final run of Natasha towards Alba was more of her fulfilling Alba's wish to see her running. Not much them making a decision to stay together. They both had a life that they had to go back to and I think what they share in Room would ultimately become what they can turn back and always remember. Like the Rick and Elsa in Casablanca would 'always have Paris", Alba and Natasha "will always have Rome".


Do you think they will see each other again?


you are correct. she promised that she will see her running and that was the last time they would see each other


if that is what it meant, then it would have been better served by a shot of her legs running. writers/directors/editors usually choose a scene/action to mean something. If we saw her saying look, and showed her running legs, moving away, that would have implied something else... she ran in the other's direction... beyond that, we'll never know, though presumably to continue something...


I agree - she wanted to grand her earlier wish of seeing how she runs.


I absolutely agree with "between's" interpretation of the last scene. Natasha is just "running" to show Alba something she had said she wanted to see. And Alba laughs when Natasha shouts "look at this," further supporting the point of view that it was a light moment, not to be taken seriously. If Natasha had really wanted to run to Alba and stay with her, she would have shouted something else, like, "Alba, WAIT for ME!"


I absolutely agree with "between's" interpretation of the last scene. Natasha is just "running" to show Alba something she had said she wanted to see. And Alba laughs when Natasha shouts "look at this," further supporting the point of view that it was a light moment, not to be taken seriously. If Natasha had really wanted to run to Alba and stay with her, she would have shouted something else, like, "Alba, WAIT for ME!"

Yes, exactly. Instead of leaving on a sad, dramatic note, Natasha still wanted to fulfill Alba's wish to see her run, and have it end on a happier, lighter note. All that they'd just shared during the night, would remain a special and happy memory to cherish for each of them.

After coming on here...okay I guess it was somewhat ambiguous? But to me there was no indication that Natasha had changed her mind to abandon her current life and stay with Alba.

Btw I love this movie. Just the atmosphere, mood, artsyness, melodrama, all of it. And I really loved the thought of this strong, soul-riveting bond that could happen over one night (between two strangers, two souls), even if, sadly, you have to go back to "real life" after.

I suppose you either like all the smothering artsy-ness of it or not. It totally worked for me. I felt like I was on that special journey with them.


I agree. Natasha had promised that Alba would see her run. At the end, she fulfills her promise, and in my opinion, she runs to her to stay. One of the most romantic movies I've seen.


<slight spoiler>

But that's not to say they would never meet again...

Which, imho, makes a good case for a sequel, "Return to the Room in Rome," only this time, take better advantage of the offered room service! Ya gotta feel for poor Max in this one!


You clearly have your understanding of the character's names and actions backwards. And, it's obvious you have never encountered and dealt with 'love at first sight' in a first night encounter. I was in a very similar situation once in Berlin, and I left; I think about it to this day.


Not only that but DanMan also mixed up the women's names. In referring to Alba, that was actually Natasha's character not Alba.



Natasha chose Alba.

They part ways but a few seconds, Natasha calls Alba and says 'look!'
Remember while they were talking in the room, Alba told her that she can't wait to see natasha running with those beautiful legs (or something like that)
IMO thats why Natasha ran back to Alba and to live with her in Rome.

"And I wish you all the love in the world, but most of all I wish it from myself"


actually i didnt think at all that she changed her mind and chose Alba. i just figured that she changed her mind about a proper goodbye (kiss) and to show her how she runs because they talked about that.
but i guess its a matter of intepretation and thats what the director wanted....



The ending is intentionally ambiguous, so what does it matter? Create your own ending. Ultimately, these characters only exist for the 103 minutes of the film... after that, there is no cannon that binds them. Maybe Natasha was running back to her, maybe she just wanted to show off her legs before they parted ways. Pick the one you think completes the film best and run with it.


Natasha/Dasha wanted to show Alba how she can run in those long legs. (Alba mentioned how much she would love to see Natasha run in those long legs)The flag symbolizes their love. They do not get back together. That is not the point. They both experienced intense, passionate love for one night that they will remember for the rest of their lives.



I didn't see anything ambiguous about the ending. Natasha/Dascha/whatever ran to Alba. It doesn't make sense to even include that part and the laughter if Natasha was just heading off into the opposite direction.

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lol. i like the way you think :D I soo wish I could see it that way.


watching this movie for the umpteenth time, i always get the feeling that they did not end up together. that Natasha running towards Alba was just a fulfillment of her promise to Alba earlier in the balcony (Natasha promised her she would get to see her sprint with those long legs).

remember after the first time they made love, Natasha was unsettled, she wanted Alba's promise that their night together would not affect her life, to which Alba replied, "and how do you do that?" it just seemed to me Natasha was determined to get on with her life with Vadim, no matter what the outcome of the night may be.

However, she was not prepared for the depth of her feelings for Alba. You can see Natasha's resolve waning at the end. She begins to understand that her night with Alba has already affected her life. After the initial joy at the thought of spending their life together in Rome, doubts crept in, and we can see Natasha put up barriers to be able to resist Alba.

anyway, i'm getting carried away. lol. regardless of the end, to me Room in Rome is a great love story. one of my favorites. and i'm one of the few who wants to see a sequel. :D


you dont say "look at me" and run to her, if you are wanting to stay apart. you keep walking and dont look back


If Natasha's intention was to only fulfill Alba's wish of seeing her run but still intended on going back to Vadim or whatever his name was then surely she would have just ran the direction she was originally walking? I'm all for ambiguous endings but to see Natasha shouting 'LOOK!' and then running towards Alba seemed pretty clear cut to me.

"And what am I supposed to do while you're on a yellow brick quest for a brain?"


You know how we know they ended up together? The music. Over and over the song says not "sleeping with strangers", but "Loving strangers".

Unlike Before Sunrise, this is a story of a one night meeting where they decide to be brave.

I thought it was cute, by the way, the way that they tried to touch their hands at the middle of the table. Alba was thinking that Natasha is a lefty so she goes for that hand while Natasha is thinking Alba is a righty so she goes for that hand. Of course that makes them both wrong, but the point is that their hearts are in the right places. They both wanted the same outcome.

Where's your crew?
On the 3rd planet.
There IS no 3rd planet!
Don't you think I know that?


Alba was thinking that Natasha is a lefty so she goes for that hand while Natasha is thinking Alba is a righty so she goes for that hand.

If Natascha would have thought that Alba is right-handed and wanted to go for it, then she should have chosen her left hand. They both use right hands and never meet.


I think it's a little of what all of you have said. I think Natasha wanted Alba to see her run, and I think she didn't want to leave her at all. Alba had made it clear that she didn't want to return to her old life, so Natasha went to her, knowing that she would always be in love with her. She knew Vadim would always have her twin, and if not her twin, some other girl, so why would she give up the connection and love with Alba? She wouldn't. I think the flag is a symbol of them continuing, of them being 100% and not ending. It's saying "we continued!" And "we won!" They surrendered to each other for a night in Rome, but they continued their lives together after Rome.



Sad for the Spanish woman...happier for the Russian; she was getting married.

Show too much kindness, people won’t fear you. If they don’t fear you, they don’t follow you.
