'Loving Strangers'

I thought that song must have been written for the film as it fits so perfectly. But turns out "Russian Red" aka Lourdes Hernández had already written it, and the director heard it via her publisher. And of course if you listen to the words it can't have been written for the film, with that line about the first day of winter.


I really like the song and now it's stuck in my head. Is the singer famous in Spain?


I beg to differ. It was one of the most embarrassing song placement i have ever seen in a movie imo.Its not that i didnt like the song..in fact i loved the song and it constantly appears on my playlist. But the song placement i thought was so obvious and in your face that i couldnt help but cringe. 'Loving Strangers' ??Really?? If the lyrics was something else it would have been magical.


Yes, wow I found it most annoying.


And yet it was nominated for the Goya for Best Original Song.


I couldn't stand it by the end of the movie. It was way over used. Just kept coming up again and again. I was ambivalent about it the first time or two, but by the end of the movie, I hope to never hear that song again.

Overall I thought the music cues were heavy handed in this, and the overuse of that song was symptomatic of that.
