Greatest Movie OF ALL TIME!

Your constantly thinking to yourself, "Please don't put your clothes back on". And they don't! I couldn't believe it!


You, Sir, are a man of good taste.

Artsy flick or not, those girls are so hot I could cook an omelette on my computer screen.


Agree it was a very well made lesbian flick. Not many out there unfortunately .


This movie oscillated between awesome and horrible. I mean really horrible. The movie jumped the shark with the arrow. Really stupid.
Somebody needs to make a good cut of this film. It would probably only be 30 minutes or so long, but it would be a lot better than the last 30 minutes, that's for sure.

"Why you gotta be so mean?"
-Taylor Swift


The movie jumped the shark with the arrow. Really stupid.
I completely disagree! That was one of my favorite parts!! So sweet.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!

