MovieChat Forums > Fading of the Cries Discussion > This movie is worth watching for fun.

This movie is worth watching for fun.

I've read a number of reviews about this independant horror movie. Most of the reviews are negative, but some are fair in judging this movie the equivalent of two stars out of four.

As independant horror flicks go by, this was a decent production with quality values. It rates in my opinion, much better than some of the low budget flicks on the Sy Fy Channel. In fact, if this movie was placed on the Sy Fy Channel, it would rate as one of the better offerings.

The movie would be another zombie flick if it weren't for two of the main characters, Jordan Matthews (Jordan), and Brad Douriff (Matthias). Brad Douriff excels at typecast, creepy, evil characters. Newcomer Jordan Matthews came in for some rough criticism about his acting skills, but I don't think this is justified. The somewhat wooden acting in my opinion, fits the Jacob character, who is essentially an angelic being. The Jacob character wasn't meant to be romantic or comedic or a stage drama actor. His character is introspectic, humorless, and flat, as a heroic loner would typically be. Lone wolf heroes with tragic pasts would have a flat, bland, humorless personality and wouldn't necessarily be expert in public speaking.

The heroine in the movie really isn't a heroine. But many critics didn't like her personality. Keep in mind the heroine is supposed to be a typical, self-absorbed modern young female who isn't a Bella and has no intrinsic fighting skills. How many young women out there in the real world know how to fight or how to survive in a life-and-death situation. That is why Jacob has his hands full defending her from the hordes of zombie undead.

Approach this movie as it is, an independant horror film of an economical budget that does well with one it has and never intended to be some kind of classic, high-budget, blockbuster film. The horror film genre is unique in that it easily lends itself to low budget or economical budgets and interesting movies can be produced. This differs from science fiction movies where if the budget gets better the movie seems to because sci-fi special effects can be astronomical.


This movie is worth watching for fun.

No, it isn't. It's not fun, it's not worth watching, it's just horrible. It's not even so bad it's funny, it's just such an annoying thing to watch. There is no fun to be had whatsoever.

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