MovieChat Forums > Sex and the City 2 (2010) Discussion > Follow up post: Samantha's conduct in th...

Follow up post: Samantha's conduct in the middle east.

I wanted to discuss a few things that rubbed me the wrong way. I don't think Samantha was out of line, as it was extremely passive-aggressive and ambiguous about it being "the new middle east"... at the pool they had women in skimpy bikinis for xist sake!

Someone posted:

"The way she refuses to respect the customs and traditions of the Middle East. Really, you can't cover your shoulders for one effing week? Are you going to die if you can't dress exactly the way that you want to when it comes to something as simple as covering your shoulders?"

It's total b.s. that whenever we travel to other countries we need to respect their "customs and culture", yet when foreigners come to the United States they NEVER make any effort what-so-ever to respect American culture, and never adjust themselves to our ways. There have been SO many creepy, aggressive foreign men who have hit on me in the manner they would in their native country towards their own women - disgusting! It goes both ways, I don't visit other countries waving MY native flag around!

"Her horrible Middle East puns. Lawrence of my labia."

It was hilarious actually!

"When she meets Ricard Spurt/Spirt she says "so your name is Dick Spurt?". Also when they are getting a tour of the hotel she asks the manager of the hotel if the soccer players brought their balls. Oh for Christ's sake can you not act like a civilized woman for 2 seconds and save that kind of talk for private conversations with your friends?!"

Rrrright, like men aren't nasty like that all the damn time. Double standard much?!

"Her date with Ricard. Ugh. Ok so she is well aware that the laws there are extremely serious when it comes to women, so when she sees a man becoming enraged at the next table she makes sure that she blows the hooka thing, she touches Dick's dick over his pants and she let's him undo her dress in full view of everyone. Now after all of that she wants the girls to believe that she was just caught kissing."

Again, over and over it was said and implied it was the "new" middle east, it's either black or white... enough with all that gray area. And I can guarantee many creepy foreign men do disgusting gestures WAY more offensive than Samantha's in public... and those men's actions and advances towards us are UNWANTED.

"Samantha carries a handful of rubbers in her purse even when there is no chance she is going to have sex. None at all, she just carries five or so in her bag like it is Chap-Stick. Did she morph into a 15 year old boy that has to carry one in his wallet at all times even though he is not getting laid anytime soon?"

Bravo for her choosing to perform safe sex, and always being more than prepared to do so!

"Raging hormones or not her outburst at the spice market was insane. She is wearing a tank top and shorts which is bad enough, but the thrusting and screaming about sex.....just despicable. In reality she would have probably been stoned to death, but hey, Samantha is an American woman that loves sex so it is understandable. Even though their customs and traditions are insane she should be able to spit on them!"

That scene was so amazing it almost brought me to tears. She is totally unapologetic for who she is, and it was immensely brave and powerful to stand up to those sexist, backward, disgusting, woman-hating, ISIS, barbarians!!!!

I love Samantha and always will, and for me, Sex And The City is a 7.5/10 in my book and I adore this sequel!!


VERY WELL SAID..and thank you for coming back from the grave after 2009. I enjoyed the movie too...and as I said in my post in "Sammantha" I've loved Carrie's narration about her lustful friend's sex with Dick Spurt back in USA as being in the "Land of the Free, and HOME of the HORMONES"(LOL) on the Fourth of July under Fireworks. (Sammantha and Dick Spurt are under th fireworks on Dick's or Sam's car on the beach in that last scene with Sam near the end).

Permanent avatar:Courtney Thorne-Smith
Twitter account:SJCarras
MAGIC=Sarah Silverman.


I have a crush on Kimberly (sic-Kim's not enough to honor her) Cattral and her character, as you see if you read my other posts. Bravo for her choosing..I totally agree. SatC is more than even your very high 7.5/10 - 10/10 for me!


True true. I thought her behavior through the movie was perfectly in character for her. Even in the original series she was always unapologetic about her sexuality and unwilling to change for a man.
