Why for God sakes

This movie is too long and makes very little sense.

This Rossi guy is aiming to play DeNiro in Heat but he's no DeNiro. The title is 2;22 why? Who would begin a heist at such an odd time? Make it 2:15 or 2:30 morons. The film has a room number that becomes part of the story, make that 222 but no, blood is used to write the room number but that's not the title, the digital clock that begins the heist is. MORONS.

So Val must be a friend, his films have enough problem without this.

The plot, seen it.

The guy who wants to kill himself, pointless BUT, If he jumped and began the shootout well then it would have had a point, BUT NO AGAIN.

Regardless, this film will sell overseas for about 100k total and will loose money as did PLAYED. Stop trying to be the lead and stop wasting peoples money for Gog sake.



It really isn't that bad of a film overall. Admittedly I watch a lot of films (generally try to see seven new films every week as a rule of thumb, although some days I'll watch three and some days none, depends whether im working from home or not) but from my perspective this movie was definitely in the upper 50% of films I've seen. I think its rating here is pretty justified, it's somewhere between a 5 and a 6 imo. It doesn't really have any glaring flaws, but it certainly isn't anything special or original, just a genre flick.


The title is strange but then again, many movie titles make no sense. your point which I agree with 100% is why not tie the old suicide man into the plot. I like your idea of him jumping off roof to start shootout. Or he could have walked down stairs into the street slumbered out tot he middle of the street and started the shootout. There are a dozen easy ways to connect him to something buy NO! Why did he exist in this movie? Super poor scriptwriting.
