Feminist Hate

Decent people should boycott this misandrist hate fest. Mr. Whitaker was given a sexist feminist hate speech to "calm down" when girls are usually 100 times more emotional to the point of being hysterical. The scene was forced for the sake of propaganda and it made her look very stupid. If it was a girl that was told to calm down and people were supporting that comment, the sick feminists would be foaming at the mouth.

Feminism is a Marxist Hate Crime! Hell has a special place for Sexist Bigoted Feminists


wow. Who hurt you?


It was your mom. Ignorant retard!

Feminism is a Marxist Hate Crime! Hell has a special place for Sexist Bigoted Feminists


Awww, you think it'a rough being male. Cry me a river.

I've already seen the worst movie ever made, so it can only be uphill from there.


Keep your head in your ass where it belongs, worthless dumb slag.

Feminism is a Marxist Hate Crime! Hell has a special place for Sexist Bigoted Feminists


LOL More drivel from the mouth of madness.

The question isn't "Who hurt you?" but "Who REJECTED you?" Most likely EVERYONE did. It's obvious why they would. Now I get the pleasure of rejecting you, too. Adios. Good riddance, loser.

I've already seen the worst movie ever made, so it can only be uphill from there.


The question isn't "Who hurt you?" but "Who REJECTED you?" Most likely EVERYONE did. It's obvious why they would. Now I get the pleasure of rejecting you, too. Adios. Good riddance, loser.
You came uninvited and now you leave with your head in your ass again, logically stunted pathetic slag.

Feminism is a Marxist Hate Crime! Hell has a special place for Sexist Bigoted Feminists




Wow, Hans Feldman has some issues. What the F*&# is wrong with you, man? Dumped by a woman? Couldnt' GET a woman? Have to go to Asia to get laid?

"I'm verklempt, talk amongst yourselves..."
