Did Craven...SPOILERS

Did Craven kill Duggie?? Or was the flash back of him covered in blood supposed to represent that he killed Claire and made it look like the Ripper? Confused about this.


As I recall, B.J. relates that Craven was responsible for Clare's murder. I always thought Craven killed Dougie - he seemed to be their go-to guy for such mayhem - but I don't remember if that is clear in the movie.


In the book it was Martin Laws.

We got to...This is America man...


Ok, at first Laws was one of my suspects for the killing of Tommy Douglas and his daughter Karen, but after watching 1983, I realized that Laws was not working with the crooked Police. The phone conversation between Douglas and Hunter was tapped, which Laws would not have been a part of. Nor would the Police have called on Laws to do their dirty work of eliminating Douglas to prevent him from spilling the beans to Hunter. Bob Craven fits the bill here, and possibly Dick Alderman as an accomplice. And because Craven described his methods in the killing of Clare Strachan to Hunter's squad (and we see him in the flashback that he's covered in blood at the crime scene) plus knowing he did not shy away from the long and drawn out torture of Eddie Dunford, it's not hard to piece together that this is Douglas's killer.

Granted, this was based on what I saw from the movie. I am guessing if it was Martin Laws in the book, there had to be something else going on that had Laws in the loop of knowing when to kill Douglas, because that was not shown in the movie.

(edited for typos - it's a good idea to spellcheck LOL)


Ok, I know it's been a while since you posted this, but I just finished the books so...

I never really understood the killing of Bob Douglas and his daughter, there are various things suggesting that Lawas through young March was responsible for it (the similarity of the killing of the child with the murders of the other children being killed, Clare Kempley etc.) and also the tape with the message that said what Jack had been saying. But still, why would Laws do this?


he had the drill at the end of the movie with BJ and wasn't a drill prevelant on the tape of Dougie's torture?

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


he had the drill at the end of the movie with BJ and wasn't a drill prevelant on the tape of Dougie's torture?
Yes, I believe that's the main clue here. The phone call may have been irrelevant. Douglas was probably killed because he stumbled on Law's activities. His daughter may have been killed because she played a part in those activities, but that's pure speculation on my part.
