Where can I see this?

I am very interested in seeing this movie, so if anyone knows of any screenings in the Chicago area, or where I can get a DVD, I'd really appreciate the info.

I'd also really like to know why this picture could not be advertised or broadcast because of equal time and electioneering laws, yet Fahrenheit 9/11 could be advertised all over the different media, also in an election year.

I used to work in television news, and if anyone tells you there is no liberal bias, they are completely wrong. It's one of the reasons I left the industry. And I only worked in two smaller midwestern markets. I can only imagine how bad it is in the larger markets.

Anyway, I understand why a film like this would not get much media attention a la F9/11, but what really scares me is that I've heard that it was a federal court that prevented any ads or broadcasts, and that it's now to the Supreme Court level as a First Amendment issue.


under some law, they're saying this is just a long political ad, so its being blocked from being released. the movie was funded by a few corporate companies, and i guess they're not allowed to do that since they can't contribute to politcal ads. but i don't really know what the difference is between these corporations funding a movie and film studios (which are corporations) funding a movie. im sure it will be released straight to dvd sometime soon when a court determines that you can't say what's a movie and what's a political ad.


you can watch it right now at fastpasstv.com. they just posted it tonight.


Thanks much, I appreciate the info.


It's free on youtube. Here is the link. It's a great watch!


You probably already got around to watching this but if not it is on youtube like another poster mentioned.
