Where is everyone?

Is anyone else interested in this movie?


I've been pretty eager for it for the better part of a year, since the Doctor Strange dvd.

Lots of guys are dismissing it because it's blatantly kid friendly but I'm expecting good things. I'm pretty sure I'll like it based on everything I've seen and heard.

Can't wait to get my dvd in the mail. It'll be great to have a movie my little fanboy cousins can watch as well. They're still too young to watch most of the other animated features from the last 2 years (Gotham Knight, New Frontier, Doctor Strange, etc) or even appreciate them.

Still got my fingers crossed, waiting for Judas Contract to get green-lit


Still got my fingers crossed, waiting for Judas Contract to get green-lit

Right there with you.They say it's on hold because there may not be a large enough audience for it to be successful.Where exactly are they getting this feedback from?


I think they've been polls and surveys asking which stories the fans want to see
I saw an old one at Newsarama.com but there was no mention of Judas Contract on it, which is funny

Still got my fingers crossed, waiting for Judas Contract to get green-lit


I thought this movie was cancelled. I hadn't heard any news about anything, but then a little while ago I saw the trailer on TV, and it was coming out. I was shocked.

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