The Dog Episode !

Well. the dog was cute , but that episode seemed soo staged ! like a lot! anybody else feel that way? or is it just me. & it seems there trying to give ashley more camera time.


The scenes with Knobbs were very staged. I wouldn't be suprised if Ashley ends up getting her own show after this one.


does anybody know what type of dog it was? so cute


I think it was a Jack Russel Terrier or at least part JRT if it wasn't pure-bred. I agree he was very a cute!


I love this episode, Hulk and Knobbs are hilarious they should get their own show!


I agree, the whole show is staged. I also found it weird that they didn't ask the owner for any proof that this was her dog. Hulk and Knobbs are just washed up pro wrestlers. I take it that slob Knobbs is a bachelor.



It was actually over a couple days' time, the only thing that I was so annoyed was when the real owner of the dog showed up. She could've let Brooke say goodbye in her own way (by calling the dog nemo) not correcting her like a little kid "his name is Lucas, say lucas"
