MovieChat Forums > Red Riding: The Year of Our Lord 1974 (2009) Discussion > Please explain the ending (Obvious Spoil...

Please explain the ending (Obvious Spoilers)

I've only seen the first movie, so I don't know if my questions are explained in the other two movies, but here goes. So I gathered that Dawson killed Paula, which is why Eddie Dunford dude blew him away at the end. But was Dawson also the child killer? I remember there being talk about someone mutilating swans or geese, and then Dunford found one at Dawson's apartment. I'm also not sure why Dawson killed Paula, was it to frame Dunford?
And why did the corrupt cops give Dunford the gun? I kinda figured they assumed he was just gonna top himself, but I don't think that takes six bullets. I'm pretty sure Dunford shot one of those cops at the bar right afterwards. It seems odd that they'd beat the hell out of a guy whose special lady friend just got killed, then give him a loaded gun and assume that they'd remain unscathed. WTF?


Yes, I must say it was convoluted to say the least, as well as having appalling sound (mentioned elsewhere), but what I understood is that they killed Paula and were setting up Eddie for her murder including giving him the gun that she was shot with. I think they wanted him to be found and then charged with the murder to stop him snooping around. Then he goes to Dawson and the reason for him being shot is (not only because of Paula) but because as Dawson said 'children were a weakness of his'. So it seems to me that Dawson was behind the child killings.
Although I haven't yet seen the next 2 installments of this, I'm yet to discover if I'm right or not, if it ever does explain what has really happend in this 1st part.



What I don't get is if Eddie is playing chicken with the cops, and appears to have a head-on collision with one of them (music stops abruptly), then how can there be a sequel? I haven't watched 1980 yet, but am looking forward to it.....this was a keeper!

The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance


Third installment goes deeper into Dawson and explanation. Still, subtitles would have been great. Especially in the second one.


I actually had a different take on the ending. It seemed that the police were going to frame him until they discovered the illicit photos that implicated several high ranking police officials. My theory was that once they found out about the photos the police realized that Dawson was double-crossing them by leaking the photos to the press. So, they let Eddie go with the revolver with the hope that he would kill Dawson to avenge Paula's death. That way the police would be rid of Dawson without getting their own hands dirty.

I may not be right. It wasn't that clear.


This is exactly what happened.


@kcdee, you're mostly right. But I just watched the second installment and, without giving anything away, it does clear up at least one thing that you may have had a false understanding of.


Dawson tells Eddie that he killed Paula by having sex with her. Appreantly, she was killed out of jealousy. I feel strongly that the Bobbies WANTED Eddie to kill Dawson....their parting words were "Go do our work for us" or something like that.
Excellent movie!

The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance


How exactly could you miss when he literally says that killing children is one of his weaknesses? Clean out your ears before you post on imdb.


No need to be rude!! I was wondering about audio also, I thought it was just be, as I am not British. I am a Sean Bean fanatic, he is fantastic in this, I've seen the first episode so far, will watch the other two though.


You have to see all three movies to have your questions answered (especially the last one).

For the person who asked how there could be a sequel if Eddie dies, there are a lot more deaths in the subsequent movies (especially anyone who is honest, aka "good guys"), but the story continues. Eddie is not the central character, but he does make an appearance in the other two movies in flashbacks. So does Sean Bean, and other characters who die in the first one.

I need my 1987 DG20 Casio electric guitar set to mandolin, yeah...


The dialog vs. sound effects was astoundingly BAD. I had to keep adjusting the sound on the 1st one to understand spoken words. Maybe this was the fault of the "On Demand" service that Comcast Cable gives us. Or just the way the film was made. BUMMER! Most of the time the background sound effects distorted spoken dialog. Not a good experience. I ended up not caring anything about Red Riding.....


I just finished reading the first book in the quartet...its four books thus far...and it seems Eddie was in downward spiral before we met him prior to his father's funeral and the beginning of the book. I've started the second book and it's the same chaotic experiences for the lead characters as it was for Eddie. IMHO the cops at the bar at the end did not need to shot Eddie because they do not carry the guns, (British police do not carry guns, right?) and because they had already beat the crap out of Eddie twice before (think Shawshank) so they did not consider him a threat...Eddie found the shotgun by accident in the book and had already locked the wife in the basement.


I watched the DVD which had English subtitles. Even with the sub's, I still didn't understand some of the Yorkie slang expressions, but it really helped.


You need to watch all three stories to understand what happened. Although the second two episodes are equally bleak as the first it's worth staying with it as there is some final redemption. The story telling is excellent throughout, the way the threads of the episodes is tied at the end is satisfying. The third episode is often played out in flashback referring to earlier events.
The dialogue is difficult at times due the Yorkshire accent and slang used (I'm from the North of England but as times had to listen very carefully to understand).



in the book it isn't Dawson that Eddie meets but derek box who does not appear in the series he is fused with dawson mainly the death scene this is also true of another character called foster. Dawson along with his wife commit suicide.
and eddie gains the gun from somewhere can't remember and starts shooting people
