What language is this?

I can understand a few words of English here and there, but nothing else (at least the always coherent James Fox is there for a short time). Didn't realise subtitles (and perhaps a translation to colloguial English) were needed when I downloaded these. Anyway, even if it were in English, I doubt I'd still be able to understand what's going on. All I know is that the police are brutal scum...but I already knew that going in. I mean in the first one it's little girls being killed, in the 2nd it's prostitutes. Haven't watched the 3rd one yet, but I can guess it's probably the police committing the murders.

Life sucks, then you're reincarnated


So it was yet another pedophile priest? YAWN!!! And I suppose I'm to feel 'sorry' for the cop with a guilty conscience who let all those innocent men be tortured? Yeah, right! And I'm sure in the sequel he'll have gotten away with murdering the culprit. Who writes this crap?! And is the book as bad?

Life sucks, then you're reincarnated


Thanks for contributing your thoughts.


Sad puppy.

"when I downloaded these"

Well. Isn't this civilized?


Another ignorant Yank who doesn't understand English!


Unlikely to be a Septic-tank....

"Realise" is not spelled that way in Yankland. It's "realize."

So you'll have to pick on another country this time...


What makes you think he's a Yank?
Also, although the OP is a wanker, I'm sorry to say that this particular English accent is not easy to understand for everyone who's not used to it. I have watched enough movies and tv shows with it, and have enough friends with it, for my ears to be accustomed to it but it's not by any mean standard "English".

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Countries all over the world have accents that will be hard to understand if people aren't used to hearing them. It's the same with some American accents. I noticed that some people found the recent American series called True Detective a bit difficult to understand in parts. It's nothing to get upset about.


Dude! It's Yorkshire, not Oxford! The UK has a number of different dialects. Generally, the further north you go, the harder it is for Americans to understand. But it's like Shakespeare and the King James Bible: You can understand it if you really try. I grew up in Kentucky, and I can understand both Elizabethan English and the Yorkshire dialect.
