
In this episode, the John Piggot character hears several songs and, I believe, says at one point, "I like soul music." So do I and I'd like to know more about these songs. As I recall, there were three or four of them. I think the first song may have been called "Tomorrow You're Gonna Miss Me."

Does anyone know more about these songs or where I could find that information?



Don't know them but I suspect there will be a soundtrack in the shops soon. Also have a look on iTunes (I'm a UK resident not sure where you are) they may have them on there.


Thanks for your reply. Based on this: I am not very hopeful. This CD contains none of the period songs that were in any of the programmes.


If I recall correctly he says this when the woman he meets tells him that Eddie died in a car crash and starts to cry. The song playing here was Gladys Knight's "Help Me Make It Through the Night"


The song you refer to is called You're gonna miss me by REUBEN Bell.It is very difficult to locate and not available on itunes but can be purchased on a album called Shreveport Soul
