Ruby 2016

I loved the show years ago and looked forward to watching her "journey". I was not surprised in the least when it was cancelled because it got to be so repetitive and I think any progress she made was just not enough to keep the ratings up. Also, her personality is one in which can only be taken in small doses.

What I find surprising is that fast forward several years and it's like time has stood still. I have kept following her on social media and she looks the same, still talks about her "journey" and what-not. I was hoping to see her branch out and maybe go back to school, start a family, or something different. She's listed as an "entertainer" on Facebook... I find that to be an odd description. "TV personality" or even "Author" might be more suitable. Is she trying to become a comedian now? She actually has quite a few "fans" fawning over her every word and status update, so there certainly is interest in her as a person. She hold yearly "Ruby Retreats" when basically anyone can go and be motivated by her at a hotel somewhere in the random south. I recall some effort maybe last year where they were trying to convince a production company to do a show where she travels the country in an RV and goes from state to state "encouraging" people.... That would have been a nice 2-part theme for an episode when she had the series, but I can't imagine an entire show revolving around that.

She got a taste of fame and I really think she feels that's her destiny. Don't get me wrong, I am all for people striving to reach their dreams, but I wonder if she's really happy. It obvious she still struggles with addiction and probably some mental issues, but I wonder if the "journey" will only end in regret.


What I find surprising is that fast forward several years and it's like time has stood still. I have kept following her on social media and she looks the same, still talks about her "journey" and what-not. I was hoping to see her branch out and maybe go back to school, start a family, or something different. She's listed as an "entertainer" on Facebook... I find that to be an odd description.

She got a taste of fame and I really think she feels that's her destiny.

I think that may be somewhat common because did you notice that the other (formerly) morbidly obese Oprah Winfrey guest, Stacey Halprin, seems to be doing the same thing? She seems to be constantly grasping for her Oprah fame that passed almost 20 years ago. She, too, describes herself as an lecturer, author and actress on Facebook.

I think the difference is Stacey had weight loss surgery and I don't think Ruby did, so Stacey appears to have been able to keep most of the weight off.


As yes true. Seems like the "Oprah" effect.

I honestly don't fault Ruby for not losing the weight, as I think she has many different things going on that attribute to her weight issue, but had she been successful, she might be in a different position today.
