MovieChat Forums > G.I. Joe: Resolute (2009) Discussion > Best Gi JOE cartoon I've ever seen.

Best Gi JOE cartoon I've ever seen.

They got everything right. The serious tone, the real threat of the Cobra orginazation. This is everything GI JOE should be. Ellis outdid himself.


Seriously ... this made me want to stand up and shut "Go Joe!"


Completely agree....I'm watching it right now and loving every second of it!!!


Yes, the animation was better than most of the cartoons in the entire GI Joe series, but the characters felt pretty 2-dimensional (no pun intended). The only part that they fleshed out was Snake Eyes' scenes.

Plus, where was the clip that they showed during Joecon that's on youtube?


The only part that they fleshed out was Snake Eyes' scenes.

Snake Eyes was just too damned cool for the room. I loved his scenes. When he caught Storm Shadow's knife through the palm of HIS OWN HAND and broke it with the other. I was like "DAYUMMMM!!!"


I think that part of the reason for that, and yes, I think that it was mostly deliberate, is that they are showing the Joes at their professional best. Like Law and Order, they didn't want to get too much into their personal lives or anything. The Joes are on the job and are being professional, not screwing around.


This is how GI Joe SHOULD be. Not the superhero type stuff.


I loved this. I bet it'll be even better than the live action movie coming out.

Snake Eye's confrontation with Stormshadow was easily the best part of the serious, but seeing Cobra Commander as a competent and ruthless leader was also great.

For love denied blights the soul we owe to God.



Also, alas, the only nods to Larry Hama's wonderful old comic-book stories are Zartan's role in Hard Master's death, Destro's Scottish accent, and Springfield. Wow.

Yeah, being an old school GI Joe head (also the 12" type) I used to wonder why Destro a Scotsman sounded like a Black dude! Lol! And before the PC police kick in my door, I'm Black myself! Lol!


lmao I never had problem with it
I think it was part of what made me think he was awesome as a kid
Used to always joke that Destro was secretly a brother

Anyways, I loved this, as I knew I would. It really met the expectations I had. I think the only thing I kinda disliked was Scarlett's decision. I always rooted for my boy Snake Eyes when it came to that.

Still got my fingers crossed, waiting for Judas Contract to get green-lit


Yeah, that took place quite some time later-between Duke's chest wound and killing Cobras.

The animation was not anywhere near the level of the 80s. It was fantastic and smooth. I'm not sure what you think cheap and jerky is, but that's not what the animation was.

For love denied blights the soul we owe to God.


This was absolutely the best interpretation that G.I. Joe has ever gotten, in any medium. The 80s cartoon is laughable, and the comics, while good, fall apart upon comparison to other comics.

But this? This was simply amazing. Even with a rushed ending, G.I. Joe has never been taken this seriously or done this well...ever. I don't see how anyone could have any complaints about it.


I agree with that 100%! The 80's cartoon was geared towards kids and pushing a product. It was cool for that purpose. But in REAL life not every Rattler pilot is going to eject "just in time". Lol! People get hurt and killed in combat. And while this is still a "stylised" version of an elite military unit (ie; personal weaponry,equipment,etc)it's much more realistic than the 80's cartoon. Which is still pretty good,for an 80's cartoon. And let me add my friends...knowing is half the battle.


I'm actually quite taken aback by some of the negative response that this has gotten from the G.I. Joe fan community. I have seen a lot of criticism towards the characterization of Storm Shadow, the killing off of characters, and the ending.

Frankly I don't see why someone would prefer that Storm Shadow be some conflicted villain. Isn't that a little played out at this point? It's nearly impossible to keep up Storm Shadow's constant face/heel turns in the old's actually pretty ridiculous. Storm Shadow, as a character, needs to be a Cobra agent. That gives Snake Eyes a rival.

As far as killing characters goes, it's sort of a reality of war. Besides, this cartoon was called "Resolute." The title alone implies that this is supposed to be the "end game." I don't think this was written with sequels in mind. It's really obvious that Cobra Commander was supposed to die. If he had really had an escape planned, he wouldn't have lost his composure in front of Duke like he did, once he realized that he was trapped. Of course, I'm hoping that the fact that they threw in the whole "Cobra Commander escaped" ending means that there will be a possibility for sequels. Cobra suffered far heavier losses than G.I. Joe, but they've still got enough key players around to make for another movie.

The only weakness that I really feel this cartoon had was the rushed ending, but then again, that tends be a constant problem with G.I. Joe in any and all mediums. It's not like the old stuff wasn't full of ridiculously rushed endings.


Yeah,I'm wondering why people are slamming Resolute. As much as TV sucks today this stood out to me. I was getting ready to go to sleep Saturday night when I surfed upon Resolute. I liked it a lot!


Yeah, I just so happened upon it Saturday night. It was interesting to say the least.
