Saving Myself

I've been waiting for a long time for this to come out, and now it's finally here! I haven't watched any of the episodes yet that have already been released online, as I've been trying to save myself for the full-length premiere on Cartoon Networks' Adult Swim. Just thought that I'd enjoy it better that way. Anyone else planning on seeing it the same way?


My friends told me about this new G.I.JOE show and I agree that watching on the internet would ruin the fun so I'm waiting until tonight


Same boat, waited 'til CN broadcast.


Yeah and to my surprise it was very good and I'm very impress


Forgot to set my DVR and now I can't find an encore airing! It also doesn't seem to be online (divx, I mean...or some format other than crappy streaming video that I refuse to watch). Hmmm.... :(



Have you try for the show


Yeah I was glad that I didn' make much effort to watch the webisodes. I actually wanted to catch up on them. I got lucky when I checked my satellite guide to see what was on AS that night ( which is funny since I almost never watch AS anymore) and saw that Resolute was scheduled for 1 and a 1/2 hours and decided to check it out just in case they were showing the entire movie.

Still got my fingers crossed, waiting for Judas Contract to get green-lit


That was a smart move if I may say, yeah I saw it on the guide on my dvr and found it coming on I saw that was telling me that it may not come on again so record and I was glad I did and I was not disapointted with this G.I.JOE show

I hope they make ths a full series and I rarley watch AS because I sometimes refuse to watch the Cartoon Network mostly cause I'm just not in the mood for their shows you know


Is it going to be released on DVD?

That the best you can do you pansies?


Man I hope so.

For love denied blights the soul we owe to God.


If Hasbro were smart they may released on dvd I personal hope so
