Holy Sh#t (SPOILER)

They killed Tommy.

I always wanted to see Snakes Eyes and Storm Shadow duke it out till the end. But seeing SS die I just felt dead inside. Wasn’t too happy with them making him into a 2 dimensional villain. On the plus side Cobra Commander is superb and also love that Destro has his Scottish accent, but abit over the top one might add.

Again being a Storm Shadow fan (Yes I think his one of the best characters being always conflicted) I just didn’t like how he was portrait .Of well , this is merely one of the many incarnation of G.I Joe. Just hope to god the crappy life action movie doesn’t do the same to him.


The live action movie won't kill him off, but he is supposedly going to kill Cover Girl.. so he's not going to be the "Good guy undercover trying to work his way up in Cobra to find his uncles murderer" like he should be. Whatever they do, I'm sure they are going to F#*& of the character because they think it will sell toys better (for years Hasbro has believed that they need a bad guy ninja to counter Snake Eyes) instead of leaving an awesome character awesome.

The Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow Fan Club: http://www.arashikageclan.com
