What happened to Sofia?

When Jacques left his children behind with his parents, his first wife (and the mother of those children) Sofia was never to be seen or mentioned again throughout the rest of the movie. Did I miss something? What happened to her?


In the scene where they're playing poker, and Jacques goes to take off his wedding ring as he's out of cash, his friend tells him not to do it.
Jacques replied that it didn't matter as Sofia had left him and the three kids.


I quite liked the way they did that, it was as if Mesrine didnt give her a second thought, and so we knew as much about where she went as he did.

"Now, Dance Sucka"


In other words I think she had flee the country to get away from him, hence she left the children behind because if she had taken them with her....he would have tracked her down. She seemed to have cut all ties with him.

But what happened in real life to Sofia AFTER she left him?


She isn't mentioned at all in Wikipedia - strange!!!


There's not much information about Jaques Mesrine on Wikipedia at all.


In real life, Sofia was named either Soledad or Maria de la Soledad. She returned to Spain, to live with her parents, cutting off all ties to Jacques.


I wonder what she thought of the film if she seen it.


I was wondering the same. Anaya's portrait was very well done. But the end of the affair was not satisfactory. She went out of his life just like that? Straaange!


Well, I think most people would leave like that if they had a gun put in their mouth. Especially in front of their child. Pretty understandable decision if you ask me.
