MovieChat Forums > L'instinct de mort (2008) Discussion > Some of these events are based on fictio...

Some of these events are based on fiction

i know which part is definitely 110% without a shadow of a doubt based on fiction. No frenchie would ever honor their promises which means the part where they return to the prison to get the 2 guys out is all bullcrap. i am very sure it is all made up just to make mesrine appear like a hero in the movie but for those people like myself who have been to france and lived there for an extended period of time, will know that frenchies are the worst people to have as friends cos they will betray u and screw u over when they get a chance, but in front of u and especially with the ladies, they will pull out a smile and do anything to get u to trust them.


I think the nearest you ever got to France was when you had a close encounter with your boyfriend's tongue.


In short, go away.


Wow. Really, Wow. Please do not breed.


In was fact not fiction. But maybe you'll find consolation that he failed in his attempt?


Ya and the good old USA would not even have won the war against Britain without French support... so who's the traitor in this conversation?

And of course all citizens have the same exact same value system... woohoo for your insight...

***So I've seen 4 movies/wk in theatre for a 1/4 century, call me crazy?**
