The Opening Scene

Where does the opening scene with the disguises fit in to the story?


I think it is probably going to be the final scene of the second and final film of the series. I haven't seen it yet but it does seem to correspond to how the real Jacques Mesrine met his demise.


Yeah I thought that could be it, it just seems odd to have the end when it's in a separate film!


Here's your answer (having watched both films):

The scene at the start of the first film is a shortened version of an extended scene at the end of the second film


And I have to say, that somewhat ruined it for me. I saw the movies back to back and remembered, at the end of part 1, that we didn't go back to the opening scene. Then, during the longer version of that scene at the end of part 2, there was no suspense as the cops were freaking out when Mesrines was leaning on cars, etc., because I knew how it was going to come out.

I normally don't have a problem with knowing the ending of a movie, but for some reason this one bugged me a little. I'm not usually good at remembering things like that (I can see the same movie over and over and be surprised at the end); I guess it's testament to the power of the first scene that I did remember it.

Still, I know that sort of thing bothers most moviegoers and I find it strange that the director would take the trouble to prolong the scene and make it suspenseful at the end of part 2 since the audience has already seen how it comes out. The only people who would get the full benefit of that scene would be those who didn't see part 1, which doesn't seem right.


"And I have to say, that somewhat ruined it for me. I saw the movies back to back and remembered, at the end of part 1, that we didn't go back to the opening scene. Then, during the longer version of that scene at the end of part 2, there was no suspense as the cops were freaking out when Mesrines was leaning on cars, etc., because I knew how it was going to come out. "

Well, to be perfectly honest, a lot of people (at least in France/Europe) knew the outcome anyway, since that's what happened in real life. It's like with any Dillinger-movie in the U.S.: Probably 80% of american viewers would know that Dillinger died in the end. You wouldn't complain about a WW2-film opening with the fact that Japan and Germany lost the war, would you?


Oh come on. Next I suppose you'll be telling us that the Titanic sank.




You wouldn't complain about a WW2-film opening with the fact that Japan and Germany lost the war, would you?
I think Hollywood is currently undergoing a re-write. Pearl Harbour was the beginning, then Inglorious Basterds was the middle; who knows how it will end?

"I am not young enough to know everything"
