Not a gongfu movie

As a martial artist, I enjoy kungfu movies for...well...the kungfu. This didn't have any. Granted, I haven't yet witnessed the supposedly marvelous climactic fight scene at the end, but I'm an hour and twenty minutes into this horrible movie, and I've seen maybe a total of probably five minutes of anything that could be even remotely passable as being Wushu(Chinese martial arts). If you want an example of a real kungfu movie, try Ninja in the Dragon's den(1982). Amazing fight choreography, little to no story. That's how most of the classics were. This has no story, which would be okay, except there's just not really much else, except some blood and a few action sequences. Wu-tang were supposedly really into kungfu and kungfu films, even naming themselves after the fictitious martial arts sect, the Wudang Sect, so why would he forget to insert any fight scenes? This movie is crap.


ugh... /facepalm

How do so many people miss the point of this movie...
