Byron Mann was terrible in this

People are talking about Rza's acting, but he wasn't even in it that much and I wasn't expecting an Oscar-worthy performance. Byron Mann, as the lead villain, was terrible however, save for his fight scenes. I thought the rest of the movie was entertaining other than him. I'd give it a 6 or 7. No wonder one of Mann's top credits is "Catwoman." That should have been a clue enough to cast somebody else as the antagonist.


I disagree. This was a weak movie overall, but Mann was a highlight as the over-the-top, moustache-twirling villain. I have to guess that he did exactly the job he was supposed to do, which was to be a caricature.


Mann and Crowe stole the scenes they were in, but the best scene stealing scene would be Mann killing a screaming man and then imitates his scream after. Definitely shows the movie some self-awareness.


I thought he did a good I kinda wish he involved in better projects I think hes underrated

i am fire i am death


Byron Mann was a prince look alike


Rza said in an interview he was originally auditioning for Poison Dagger, they already had somebody cast as Silver Lion, but the actor wanted too much money for the role and that is how he became Silver Lion.
