They do not look 15.



I know, some of the classmates looked 40.


You people are unbelievable. Just when I thought people couldn't find anything ele to complain about this movie...


Oh, I have a whole list of things...


I bet you do...


I really did enjoy the movie, but it did bother me that they were supposed to be 15.


Well this cast is considerably younger then the previous cast. Like over 10 years younger, and in some cases nearly 20 years younger. When their movies started, those actors were all early-mid 20s back in the early 2000's. Which if they were supposed to be college aged, I guess their cast worked better. This cast were mostly real teenagers in 2009, only two were 20 or 21, the guys who played Fred and Shaggy I believe.

(and I'm 33, so I'm around the age age of the first live action cast, so I'm not some 14 year old trying to call the previous cast "old" or anything)
