MovieChat Forums > El Traspatio (2009) Discussion > take this with a grain of salt...

take this with a grain of salt...

or perhaps a whole salt-lick, but there is a conspiracy-minded e-book, which proffers an explanation for the cd. juarez genocidal numbers (go to chapter 9), and links them to other massive serial killings and disappearances in the u.s. and other parts of the world. the thought seems to be that violent offenders are being groomed and used as assets for the c.i.a. (not the biggest leap in logic, as there was precedent within the vietnam war) and that certain ritualistic aspects to many of the killings are reminiscent of soviet-era/operation paperclip-style old-school mind control techniques (think MK-Ultra here).

even though the book lends credence to the idea that the "satanic panic" is not unfounded, it is not asserting the random, pointless presence of cults, or pedo-networks, or snuff films for their own sakes, but for the traumatization that is required to create manchurian candidates. of course, along the way, some rich perverts and narco-preneurs do seem to benefit, at least for a while. there are a lot of dead people connected to one another in strange ways.

as i wrote above, feel free to be skeptical, (and i still haven't read all the way through), but this thing names names, and at the very least gives one a springboard to do one's own research.
