Kip Pardue = Daniel Tosh

I remember when Kip Pardue's career almost took off in the early 2000's. His most memorable role was in "Rules of Attraction" as the college student who's trip to Europe is a drug addles sex-crazed blur. Anyway, I'd forgotten about him in recent years and lo-and-behold, he shows up in direct-to-video fare (e.g., Hostel Trois). And I never noticed this, but he and comedian Daniel Tosh are borderline dead-ringers, even mannerism-wise. I like Pardue, so don't get me wrong, I mean no disrespect. I think it'd be amusing if he and & Tosh wound up in a movie together.

I enjoyed this flick, thought Spiegel did a worthy job, kept ya guessing. I like Eli Roth, but his "Hostel 2" was a giant *beep*-you to the the first film, or at least a parody of the first flick. Wondering what he's gonna make next.

"Turn down lights (where applicable)." -MST3K (Joel & the bots era pre-credit title card)



Don't know if it was his best role, but the best movie he's been in by a mile was Remember the Titans.



When I first read this post, I did not see the resemblance. I was watching Tosh.0 today and I saw it right away; just never thought about it before.


Haha - I thought the same thing! Well, more specifically, that he looked like a Daniel Tosh/Dolph Lundgren hybrid... if you can imagine such a thing.
