MovieChat Forums > Hostel: Part III (2011) Discussion > WHY DID FLEMMING RELEASE SCOTT'S RESTRAI...


Why did Flemming let Scott loose when Carter was about to kill him? This would not only cause him to lose Carter's future business since he would know that he could no longer trust him, he would also lose the trust of those members in the audience. A rational member of the audience would be less likely to participate in killings in the future for fear that Flemming would do to them what he did to Carter, hence putting their lives in jeopardy. The only two possible reasons are because Flemming wanted to make it a more interesting show and/or
he was mad at Carter for some reason and this was his way of getting back at him. Still, the huge downside in my view would be way greater than any upside from doing so. Plus, it enabled Scott to escape, which is an even greater downside than the things which I previously mentioned. I thought that it was unrealistic that Flemming would do something so stupid. Thoughts anyone?


The reason that they let Scott go was because they had made the decision to kill Carter because he had become too much of a liability to them in dragging all his friends into the secret organisation so they decided to kill him in an entertaining fashion so the other elite Club members could take bets on whether Scott or Carter would kill the other first.... when one killed the other then they would have put a bullet in the brain of the survivor....The leader of the organisation stated to carter that they pride themselves on kidnapping people who would not be missed ,people whose disappearances couls be quite easily covered, so when carter got back home without all his friends there would be alot of explaining on his behalf as to what had happened to them....and as Carter had shown a great deal of disloyalty to his friends by remoreslessly dragging them in to be killed , the Elite Hunting organisation there fore could not be sure that he would not show the same disloyalty towards them by ratting them was better for them that no one from Carters group returned home than even one person so the incident would be effortless for them to cover up...they realised they had made a mistake bey entertaining Carters request in the first place..........look at the look on the face of the Elite Hunting club leaders face when he is talking to Carter in the office and Carter says..(they were always more his (Scotts) friends than mine...thatwas the moment that he realised what a disloyal and untrustworthy person he was whith no sense of loyalty ..if he show that to his friends he would easily show it to EHC.....


The audience were behind a screen. I doubt they were worried about being subjected to the same treatment... When I go to the zoo to see the lions being fed, I don't expect the keepers to throw me into the enclosure... It's possible, but such a remote possibility, that it can be dismissed easily enough.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


I think that you missed my point. My point was not that the spectators would fear being thrown into the fight right then and there. My point is that if they chose to purchase a victim themselves (i.e. maybe 6 months or a year down the road) how would they know that Flemming would not order the restraints of their victim to be released just like he ordered the restraints of Scott to be released? If Flemming double-crossed Carter after he purchased a victim what makes them think that he wouldn't double-cross them if they purchased a victim?


... but maybe some/most/all are just there to watch and bet, and not participate? If that's the case, then they would have no reason to be worried. If they didn't trust Flemming, then that would only give them another reason NOT to participate, instead of fretting over what might happen, if they did...

I guess to them, it doesn't matter if they trust him or not, because they aren't planning to purchase anyone... If they DID purchase someone, then presumably they do so in the belief (mistaken or otherwise) that the same kind of thing isn't going to happen to them.

If you were in that situation, you'd have a chance to weigh up the risks, and decide whether purchasing a victim is worth the possibility of being made to fight... Whatever the case, you know there's a chance it might happen, because you've seen it before... Nobody's being thrown into anything unexpectedly. Once something's been done once, then it loses the element of surprise every time afterward. If you're behind the enclosure, then you're safe, and you'll know it's unlikely you'll be IN the enclosure, unless you volunteer... If you volunteer, then anything goes.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


It's been a while since I watched the movie, but if I remember correctly they do at least allude to the fact that Carter's use of Elite Hunting's resources for strictly personal gain (kill best friend, bang his wife) was something that Flemming wasn't thrilled with. So yeah, he probably wanted to sever all ties with Carter, and having him killed as part of the game was the ideal solution.
