Girl with elf ears...?

Sorry if this was addressed before, but what is the deal with the cute girl with pointed ears? Is the character supposed to actually have malformed ears? Or is the character a quirky type who likes to wear fake elf ears?

Thanks in advance for any enlightenment.


She's a geeky/cute fan girl of Ray's and of comics in general. The ears are fake.

Om Mani Padme Hum


Glad somebody else asked, I was wondering this myself. Is the wearing of fake elf ears some kind of fad/cult thing in NYC? Why did Ray/Elf Girl tell the two kids on bikes that the ears were "real"? Pardon my ignorance, just never saw anyone wearing elf ears in person or on TV except of course Spock/Star Trek fans.


I'm almost certain that there hasn't been a clear answer as to whether or not her ears are real. Upon meeting Ray, it was defined that they are "elf" ears and not "spock" ears. Last episode, Ray stated that all her other body parts are "real."


The ears are fake.
This is just my assumption, of course.

Om Mani Padme Hum


The ears are fake.

This is just my assumption, of course.



"Every day she glued on elf ears." - Ray at the spa during tonight's episode.


She is Kate Micucci, this is her and her comedy duo Garfunkel and Oates:


Here come's Randal, He's a berserker
