The Hangover

I must have seen that movie at least 5 times by now and it's only been this last one when flipping through HBO channels did I catch the reference of Bored to Death when they are walking to that strippers apartment. Lol, magnium P.I.


bro the hangover came out several months before bored to death even went on the air lol


Yeah I love the reference cos I knew (at the time I saw The Hangover which was after I'd started BTD) that not so many people would know what he was talking about.

My Votes -


They were talking about Three Men and a Baby.



they were? I think it was Bored to death, not Three Men and a Baby


No, definitely a Three Men and a Baby reference.


Definitly Three Men and a Baby. It's got Magnum PI (Tom Selleck), Ted Danson, and that Jewish guy (Steve Guttenberg).

Yorkshire is a place. Yorkshire is a state of mind.


Flashheart, what was the purpose of saying "that Jewish guy" before typing his actual name?


Because I was using the quote from The Hangover to demonstrate who Alan was talking about. The actual quote from Alan was "It's got uh Ted Danson and Magnum P.I. and that Jewish guy..." or something on the lines of that. Why do you ask?

Yorkshire is a place. Yorkshire is a state of mind.


The first time I saw the Hangover I did think it was a BTD reference, but in hindsight it is a Three Men and a Baby reference, though the coincidence is uncanny.


Just because it is on IMDB does not make it fact, it is like wikipedia.

The quote from The Hangover was definitely in reference to Three Men and A Baby. He said "you know the guy from Magnum PI?" because Tom Selleck is in both and he was trying to explain how they were like those guys in the movie. You know, because they were three men with a baby.

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."


dumbest thing i ever heard, so obviously three men and a baby

CALL 911! NOW!
