MovieChat Forums > Daylight (2011) Discussion > This has to be the worst movie ever crea...

This has to be the worst movie ever created

how this movie got approved and on to netflix is beyond me. i have never seen anything so ridiculous. i don't even want to get in to it because there is so many things wrong with it. I will say this though. The characters in this movie have to be the DUMBEST i have ever seen. just mind boggling how this terrible this movie was. what a trainwreck. if anybody liked it i would honestly love to hear why. i am just stunned of how bad it was. ok rant over lol.

im probably talking to myself here. i only see 4 threads on this board. hmm oh well. if anybody sees this please reply and give me your opinion


Wow.. I dont think it's as horrible as you make it out to be.
First off, no one "approves" movies to be made. Anyone can make one. Even you.
And as far as Netflix 'Watch Instantly' films - There are movies on there far worse than Daylight. I'd go so far as to say MOST of the movies on Netflix are worse than Daylight.
I would say the movie could have been about 30 minutes longer. I feel like we only saw half of the story. But the acting was really descent. Again, pick 10 random movies on Netflix Instant and the acting is worse than a junior high school play. And I think there were some genuinely suspenseful moments in Daylight.

I know you said you 'don't even want to get into it' but thats sort of the point to the message boards on imdb. You tell WHY you like or dislike a film. It helps start a dialog with other people.


ok fine. how about when they first arrived to the house. The kidnappers just left the car to go in the house while leaving the couple all by themselves. Now why would they do that? I am pretty sure they were not tied up. They were free to leave at any point and they just sat in the car babbling to each other. They easily could of escaped. im pretty sure there was about 4 different situations exactly like this where they were left alone in a room without even being watched or tied up. i mean they let the woman sleep by herself in a room over night. She wasn't even tied down lol. i don't get how she didn't even attempt to escape. Just really dumb characters in my opinion.

another scene that kind of got me annoyed was when she made that call the police sign. i mean that house was pretty far away from the street and not to mention the neighborhood seemed pretty secluded so there wouldn't be many people passing by. it just seemed a bit of a stretch that somebody passing by was able to see that sign from that far away.

Then that part where she stole the knife from the dinner table. um how bout try using it to save yourself? what was she waiting for? Not sure what her plan was with that. Then her hiding spot for it was pretty ridiculous. under the pillow? yeah they won't find it once they notice its gone! geez use your head lady!

i just really hated this movie. the characters were just extremely stupid on both sides. They were treating the woman like she was a houseguest or something. Letting her stroll around the house as if shes part of their crew. i have just never seen a bunch of characters that were so clueless. Even if you liked the movie you have to admit all of these characters were just dumb


I thought 1 kidnapper took the wife up to the house and the other 2 took the husband out to the field with the bag over his head -- but was not watching too closely. The wife was too severely pregnant to run anywhere or climb out of a 2nd story window and jump to safety. She did try to leave the house one night but woke the older kidnapper. I imagine being that pregnant is like trying to get around after gallbladder/appendix/etc. surgery. but only a pregnant lady would know.

Didn't get the older kidnapper's sexual fixation on her. The kidnappers were so intense with each other that I wondered if they were a couple until he started molesting her. And the younger kidnapper had a mom fixation or at least a need. Her strengths (gentleness, vulnerability and motherly ways)and the fact that she couldn't stab the older kidnapper, didn't hide the knife well, couldn't get out of the house without waking them, etc. served to lull the kidnappers into thinking she couldn't hurt them. That served her.

Most criminals are stupid.

Did she have access to a phone? I kind of wondered if maybe the husband got out of the motel room and called because he would know where the house was. Nobody other than the one couple had visited the house and they didn't have time to call. What happened to the wife's father? Wasn't he wealthy? Why didn't the ransom ever come? Why did the kidnappers take time to clean the car and then sit in it after shooting the occupants??

The film had holes but was better than I initially thought.


by HeatherAgain ยป

Didn't get the older kidnapper's sexual fixation on her. The kidnappers were so intense with each other that I wondered if they were a couple until he started molesting her.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this.....
I was like WTF?!!
I thought for sure the guys were a couple.....


Hey Gregg,

Sorry, I know you wrote this post months ago, but I just watched the movie last night.

On your first point, the husband and wife WERE bound by the hands in the car. Remember, the original kidnapper told them they were going to let them go. He was very polite and gave them no reason to assume they were involved in anything other than a carjacking and robbery.

On the second point, she made the sign after the bodies of the home owners were found in the basement. My thought was that she must have assumed, initially, the house belonged to the kidnappers. When she realized that a couple was killed, she probably figured someone would come looking for them since they would have fallen off the grid.

I agree that there were parts that left me scratching my head. The ending seemed very rushed to me since we didn't see much of what happened to her husband. I think this movie deserves a 4 out of 10. :)



"Yes, women DO play Metal Gear." - Me


You didn't watch closely at all. They were tied.
And 'could of' doesn't mean anything. It's 'could have'.
