The ending?

Did she turn into a killer and shoot the cop who was looking out for her, right after she shot the serial killer? WTF?

I'm glad I didn't pay for this movie. Really disjointed and unbelievable.


my dvr shut off before the very end.... what happened? she shot which cop? and why? did she shoot and then roll credits?


She shot the killer, then the police ran up behind her, telling her to drop the gun which she pointed at them, then blackness and you hear a shot (or shots), then credits roll. You don't know if she shot or the cops shot- I think they want you to think she shot the police (had somehow turned into a killer by association)- pretty lame.


Yah, pretty much. They were trying to build up to a premise of "She was trying to get in the serial killer's head, but instead became a serial killer." But really, she technically was becoming a mass murder because she just randomly flew off and shot the killer and the cop.

She could have randomly turned into a banana at that point in the film and it would have made about as much sense.


Yes, but then there would be "a twist"!
