MovieChat Forums > Sasquatch Assault Discussion > This movie is seriously bad

This movie is seriously bad

Can I begin to count the ways ...

1)Incoherent plotting. I think there is a plot. A sasquatch is let loose in the city. however the flashbacks and switching focuses makes it a jumbled mess.

2)Bad special effects. The sasquatch himself is clearly a man in an adapted monkey suit.

3)Gratuitous violence and sex. Yeah, maybe that's not totally bad but it was so badly done.

4) Execrable acting. So much of the acting was so OTT that I actually couldn't even finish watching it.

5)Godawful writing and directing. I hope to God some of the actors were improvising and that they weren't actually encouraged or directed in their affects. Writing? See number #1. Incoherent.

I love bad horror movies. They are a joy to mock. This movie wasn't funny intentionally or, unfortunately, unintentionally. It was just bad.

with only minutes to react we've somehow been killed by a stick insect -- Londinieres


I saw this tonight and it was flawed but fun. Not sure why someone would see a film called Sasquatch Assault and be upset that it was bad.


Did you miss the part of my post where I said I normally enjoy bad movies? I expected it to be bad. I just didn't expect to be bad in a bad way but it was.

---with only minutes to react we've somehow been killed by a stick insect -- Londinieres


As I posted elsewhere, I enjoy many cheesy horror movies too but this one sucked so bad I hated it! There were no funny moments, like you normally do in a movie like this. The dialogue was horrendously bad, the acting wasn't even on a high school play level, the camera work looked worse than someone's vacation filming and character development...oh what the Hell, I'm asking for way too much!

You might watch this if nothing else is on except infomercials or some Lifetime flick. Never mind, I'd watch the Lifetime flick...


Totally zero enjoyment from this turd. The secretary was "an exotic dancer" who also happens to be an expert with knives and can go toe to toe with a 600lbs squatch?

Then, the cop comes out of the PD with a WWII era Thompson submachinegun with a 50 round drum, and he fires ONE shot? Just the worst.


I didn't hate it. I've seen worse. Far worse. So a movie like this actually seems decent to the crap I've seen. Still, I think they started filming without a finished script. This movie actually makes some SyFy Channel movies seem intellectual.
