
It's hard to point to a specific part since there are so many but when the four (or five) make a dash to the sewer in the last half hour of the movie when they get there they're like, "Where do we go?"

Okay, you supposedly knew where since it was your idea in the first place! Then they're all moving a step at a time saying "I can't see a thing" even though there are overhead lights in most of the tunnels. Then when two of the girls hear something they start running like crazy. Okay, if it was that easy why weren't you running to start with.

The camera work looked like one of my grandchildren filmed it and the dialogue appeared to be ad-libbed.

When the old one-eyed dude starts to fight the creature at the end he uses wrestling moves on him, even though the creature has ripped everyone else apart.

If I had any part in this movie I would deny it and not even tell my own family members. As bad as many SyFy or Chiller movies are (many of purpose) this one isn't even cheesy bad. It's just bad!


I didn't understand how there was any lighting in the police station after he shot out the main electrical panel AND the back up generator.

It was filmed so poorly you could actually see the orange light in the prison holding cell sequence after the power was out.
