saving airborne civilians...

I suck at it. I try targeting the civilian with L2, it targets the nearest bad guy. Sometimes I can't even find the civilian in time. Anyone have any tips? I haven't had this much trouble with any other part of the game, but this just bugs the hell out of me.


I've beaten the game and I still have trouble with this. The best advice I can give is to get out of the target lock, and webzip towards where you see the blue civilian icon. If you're close enough and within view, then the 'B' prompt will come up. Hit that button as soon as you can and you'll save the civilian.

If that doesn't work then holding down the target lock button usually works for me after a few seconds if I'm heading towards the civilian.


cool. thanks.


Alternatively, bashing your head against the controller repeatedly also works.


God I know what you mean! I just CAN'T BLOODY DO IT! I've done I think twice on ACCIDENT and there's NEVER any other way to save people and it just makes me hate this game so much that I don't want to play it until I can figure this *beep* thing out!

"I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar." - Wash, Pilot of Serenity


Actually I'm getting pretty good at this...

Here's what you gotta do. Exit target lock with a tap of L2 or LT, depending on system, I'm using X360, so I'm gonna say LT. Then, right after you've deselected your target, tap, not hold, the trigger again. It'll lock on the civilian, but only for a second before you re-lock on a target, so here's what you gotta do, in the brief moment you're locked on the civilian, press B, or O on PS3, then Spider-man will shoot a web towards them and zoom over and catch them, then you can throw them in the air with a web parachute or you can just set them down, and you'll get 10+ red points.
