Theresa Joy

It is so great to see Theresa Joy in a comedy!!!! I looooooVVVEEEEE HER! As her previous movies were all pretty intense, it will be interesting to see her in a more light hearted genre!! I cant wait!! Beautiful talent


mmmmm hmmmmmm! Theeeeeresa! mmmmmmm hmmmmmm! I have to say this information you are stating is .....untrue. "Confessions of a Slacker", "Why Cant I be You", both comedies and both very funny I might add... as for 'intense' check out the trailer for "The Breeder"! Also .... what a great cast in this movie!!! These guys are seriously funny!! I feel a cult classic coming on!! Christian Potenza, Jason Blicker, Joe Dinicol... very cool!


Iv said it once, & Ill say it again ... I LOVE HER (Theresa Joy) ... la la la la lOVE!
