Did anyone notice this?

When Drake and Josh are borrowing the little scooter from Gavin, Gavin is wearing a sweater with COLLEGE printed across this. I'm pretty sure this might have been a little reference to Drake's film of the same name cuz Gavin doesn't seem like the college type to me.

I was here



I thought it was just a joke like instead of saying NYU or Harvard or MIT it only said College, like almost poking fun at college sweaters/sweatshirts/shirts/etc. Like a work shirt just saying 'Work' on it instead of the name of the company its for.. I hope that makes sense haha.


I originally thought it was what syribotigereyes said, but they could have been going for both.

I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.


I see no one here has seen National Lampoons Animal House.


That was the first thing I thought of, too. haha
