seriously.... this is absolutely ridiculous. Animals and humans should be able to coexist and interact with eachother any time it is safe for both parties to do so. Plus, I'll bet that chimp was treated like a king. It makes me sick when animals are abused, but when they are on a teenage fictional sit-com so kids who watch it can laugh and learn that animals can be really fun and intelligent, PETA needs to learn to pick their battles. There are MANY other actually worthwhile causes PETA could and should be focusing on. Between this crap and putting naked "celebrities" on every one of their advertisements, I say if I had to go on a road trip with a chimp or a member of PETA, I choose the MONKEY.

I just watched an ep of Drake and Josh where Josh had a pet goldfish and Drake switched it out to sunfish. I bet PETA is pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! those fish looked totally malnourished and miserable.




blue screens cannot pee on children. that would have ruined the movie.


I truly don't want to come off as a PETA non-supporter.... but this really ruffled my feathers. This whole ordeal just seems like they are stirring the pot because there was no other company to complain about this week. Khloe Kardashian was the latest "celebrity" to show off her incredibly photoshopped body in support of animals (because for some reason, being naked proves that you love animals). However, there are multiple pictures of her wearing fur, real fur. PETA stuck up for their spokeswoman by saying she changed her ways. I don't care... She was still cruel to animals at one point, and regardless of her change of heart/starvation for hunger, no hypocrite should ever be chosen to "model" for any NPO. Its just asking for gossip (attention), unflattering to both the organization and the "celeb". Merry Christmas Drake and Josh did nothing wrong by hiring a real chimp to play a real chimp. There is no evidence of abuse or neglect to the chimp and there is NO WAY a digital chimp could have accomplished the role. AND WHO CARES IF THE CHIMP IS CALLED A MONKEY!?! I mean, seriously!!!!!!!! Until PETA can show some serious evidence of this specific chimp being mistreated, I side with Nickelodeon.
