They wouldn't get money for charity (maybe only $10,000)????? There would be no point of that particular episode. Do they rig it?

It's not surprising no one has lost as yet.

This is such a money making scam. They must make millions from commercials and only give away such little for charity.


You know they are going to get money anyway for their charities whether they win or lose. It would actually be nice to see celebrities play against each other for themselves. I know they already got money...well, just lower the payouts. lol


They get 25,000 if they do not win the 50,000. Vivica's family lost.


No, its $10,000 for the losing side and $50,000 for the 'winners'.


They don't rig it to guarantee a win, but they do make it easier for the families by using questions that have few possible answers and a large number of points for the #1 answer. Like "Name a color on a traffic light." It's OK because it's for charity.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


They make it damn near impossible to lose fast money in this version of the show. This last Sunday night someone got 196 points, how often does that happenin a real game. Hell, a few weeks before that they had a question "Name something you surf?" There were only two answers with points, waves for 51 and internet for 49. Again, that never happens. The fact that Vivica A Fox's team lost last year is astounding.


> Hell, a few weeks before that they had a question "Name something you surf?" There were only two answers with points,

That is annoying the poop out of me with this version. There are always one or two questions with just two really obvious answers and if the family gets both answers, that's 98 or more points. This week, the offending question was, "Saturday Night <blank>." C'mon, there's only two possible answers.

At least the other two Sunday Night game shows are just as hard as the originals.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Well, bachelorettes just lost. No surprise there, though. Lol

