Looks interesting

Saw the trailer on YouTube and the plot looks interesting (perhaps a little over the top with the exploding collar) and daring... A beautiful young female stalks and kidnaps a athletic and handsome boy. Interesting twist. When's this film supposed to be released and in what format (theatrical, dvd, cable)?


Metropolis Films doesn't seem to specify what format it will be released in, but I'm guessing it will probably get a theatrical release first; hopefully it will get a DVD release really soon after.

According to IMDb, it's supposed to be released 23 April 2010.

My IMDb vote history:


It is a very good film I can assure you. Brilliant cast , excellent cinematography and controversial story line. A true coming of age thriller .



Watched it (or rather tried to) last night. Boring. Gave up after 20 minutes. But that's just me. Others may disagree.
