How much sex is there?

can i watch it with my 11 year old sis? She's a fan of Bledel. And does Bledel have a sex scene?

Dr. Spencer Reid
Follow me on Twitter: @GFSmallville



Dr. Spencer Reid
Follow me on Twitter: @GFSmallville


i dunno about the movie, but i know there's a lot between us

Some people think they can outsmart me. I've yet to meet one that can outsmart BULLET.


this is way late so i dunno if you still need to know, but there's one sex scene but it fades out so there's no real sex, just them like, fumbling with a condom. other than that there's almost no kissing scenes.


Did you watch it already? There is virtually no sex (or kisses) at all, but there is A LOT of swearing sop I'd be careful with the younger audience.

--I know lots of ppl found it dull or bad, but I LOVED IT!!

[If you need a friend... I'm the one to fly to. If you need to be loved... here I am.]


None. Safe to watch with kids
