Series Finale

I was really sad by the finale ep, not just because it was the finale ep but because the whole storyline with Simon getting beat up/bullied at school. In other eps, they alluded to his being bullied by Jayeson, but it was usually just the occasional name calling. In this ep, it made it seem like the was beaten up daily.

Also, well I think the ep was good overall and did tie up some loose ends, like Jayeson being revealed as the father, Simon coming out to his mum and Debbie giving Jayeson his just desserts for bullying Simon, I felt the end was too rushed. Adult Simon announces he's marrying Mickey, his boy crush from the ep. Then a voice-over quickly announces that the "beautiful people" were the ones he'd grown up with, i.e., his family. That was actually just a repeat of the series 1 ending ep in which Adult Simon interacted with the 1997 cast and said basically the same thing. I guess I was hoping for a bit more, although Adult Simon did interact with teen Simon during the ep, maybe they could have saved that towards the end.



I agree - it seemed like a completely rushed storyline all over, and since when was Simon NOT "out"??? That was what was cool about the series, that Simon didn't feel bullied at home and his bedroom alone screamed "out teen"!!!

But most disappointing is the fact this show didn't get more seasons!! I enjoyed all the episodes and really wish we got to see Simon and Kylie growing up and finding themselves as adults. This show seriously needed to go on and on, as there was nothing like it on telly!! I'm glad OutTV showed it and glad I'm an open-minded straight who drew a great deal of entertainment and learning from this fun TV show!!!
